Saturday 24 February 2024

From ChrisW: 15mm Mercenary APCs and support vehicles [144 points]


So these are the vehicles that had the priming issue last week. After much elbow work, and cleaning I was able to restore them and have the primer stick to them. They all came from Alternative armies. The plan is to have units of three APCs supported by a gatling gun anti infantry APC and an anti tank support APC. The three missile vehicles will be partnered up with the command vehicle from last weeks post.

Nine 'taxi' APCs 

Three gatling gun armed APCs

Three Anti tank APCs

Three missile launcher vehicles 

 So the totals

  • 144 points for 18x 15mm vehicles (8 points each)

  So, no squirrels this post

I can only imagine the size of the vehicle park in your display cabinets Chris... this is some impressive production. I really like how you've done the camo on these vehicles and the hover skirts look really good too. You are certainly set for some big 15mm SF games! Good work!

144 points added to your tally!



  1. Great output on these! I like the splash of red.

  2. Simply wow. Great production going on. How many hive
    cities are working to creat your forces.

  3. That is some pretty nifty cqmo painting mate, well done!

  4. Nice work on the camo! Quite the vehicle pool.

  5. More vehicles! It's like a painting factory! Nice work
