Saturday 24 February 2024

From SebastianR: Rats! [Nature] (104 Points)

And our ghostly cart ride takes us to the the nature part of the library where we are surrounded by one of nature's greatest adapters, the rat, flowing into houses and granaries and scurrying up from beneath in an unending tide, to harry desperate peasants, and unfortunate adventurers in an unending swarm.

These figures are one part citadel Mordheim dire rats, and one part alternative armies rats.

The single based minis will be used for this year's Mordheim skaven warband and probably Pathfinder at some point. The multi based miniatures? Who knows. I had excess rats and wanted to paint them all.

Getting the plank texture was something of a saga. Turns out Element Games is perfectly happy to sell you something that they do not have in stock, and don't know when they will have in stock either.

My experiments with texturing milliput have borne fruit, but I definitely could have done a better job. Firmer, more consistent texture is required. I'll know when I come to make bases for the actual skaven.


While these are 28mm rats, they're much closer to 15mm figures; cavalry specifically, so I'm going to cost them at 4pts each, Dallas permitting.

That's 21 rats at 4 pts each for 84pts and 1 location at 20 points for 104pts.

There's no such thing as too many rats, and I say this as a former player of a Skaven army in WHFB and a Skaven Blood Bowl team. These little rodents look superb and I really like the textured bases, they look great.

I'll allow your math and allocate 104 points.



  1. Nice work on the rodents Sebastian, the bases came out well, whatever bother Element Games gave you.

  2. Great work on the swarm. Your bases look great.

  3. You can't have too many rodents!

  4. Great bases and excellent chittering rat things. Well done.

  5. While you can easily overlook mini's like these nicemrats, they add a lot of atmosphere to both wargames and RPG's. I like them!

  6. Fabulous looking rat swarms, Sebastian. Really like the tails and bases. :)
