Monday 19 February 2024

From SimonG: 28mm Roman Legionaries Throwing Pila (Local History, 60 points)

For my next submission I am pleased to offer my first stand of classic Imperial Roman Legionaries -- in this case all in the act of throwing their pila as they approach on the hapless barbarians (or in my case more likely a horde of rebelling jews!).

These are very nice multi-part plastic figures from Victrix with shield transfers from LBMS. Perhaps the only criticism would be that they all seem to have the same face! Clearly consistency in appearance was a big deal for this legion.

The figures have been based on a 120x60 2mm base for Impetus -- these nice big chunky bases really give you room to set up a nice mini diorama. I especially like the fellow that is leaning forward having released his pilum.

I do tend to find that strict uniforms such as these really take a lot of time, to which adding the challenge of doing faces in recessed galea -- still it was a lot of fun and the finished effect paid off well! And I do love a nice manicure (surprisingly hard to photograph hands and feet and bring out the nail details!)

Always keep your nails clean!

For those of you that want to get this look at home I offer the following link 😅💅 !

With last weeks submission we took a lift on Sarah's library cart to the local history section -- which is quite apropos as this group of legionaries have just been posted to Judea after a long cold winter shivering off the Isle of Thanet at Rutupiae (Richborough Roman Fort). I can just about see the fort from the roof of our house here in Sandwich and so I think qualifies well as local history!

Points wise I have eight 28mm figures plus the location bonus for a total of 60 this week. Next week we should encounter the enemies of these Romans for the first time in this challenge!

More excellent painting on these Imperial legionaries, Simon! As their faces look rather alike, I suppose this is a Roman band of brothers? Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus and Decius with their dad? Gotta love those imaginative Roman first names.  Anyway, they look very good together. Speaking about imaginative, the ancient historian in me flinches just a tiny little bit at the Local History connection, as I think we know very little about the actual garrison of Rutupiae (still a very impressive fortress, I have been there and loved it), but hey, who am I to argue with fingernails like these? So, 60 points for you.



  1. Excellent painting and love the action base. Also the manicured hands. Cheers.

    1. Thanks Bruce. I am slowly getting more comfortable with packing more figures on a base. I also had my wife check that all the pila remained “within the lines” as any that stuck out of the base will certainly snap off!

  2. You had me at Ruputaie! Lovely work on these legionnaires, I really like how you’ve positioned and based them.

    1. Thanks Pater. It’s great to have a site like that within a short walk for us, especially now it’s reopened after the long COVID related shut down

  3. Great looking group bases and very cool legionaries Simon!

    1. Thanks Dallas. At least one set of rather wild eyes but maybe he’s been indulging in some Middle Eastern medicinal herb!

  4. Love the detail on these, the slight rusting on the armour is great.

    1. Thanks Peter. I hate too shiny armour so try to get a balance between clean but used looking. No one can keep their armour pristine on the battlefield especially not in a desert!

  5. Wonderful attention to detail. Like the historical lesson on nails.

    1. Disappointingly it was addressed to the needs of Roman ladies but I do recall their being a fond of a manicure set at an army fort

  6. Really great looking unit- love the painting and the basing.

    1. Thanks for that. One of the main reasons I settled on Impetus as a rules set was the way you can base having seen some of the wonderful work others have done

  7. Wonderful brushwork Simon. I really like how you've made the base into a visually interesting vignette. Well done!

    1. Thanks Curt. Still a lot more to do with the addition of more battlefield debris, injured fighters and so on. Watch this space!

  8. excellent painting and basing Simon

    1. Thanks as always Kerry -- glad they met with your approval!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave -- at least this way we can remember that these units also have a ranged attack 😆

  10. Basing looks terrific the painting is first class, an all round really nice unit of figures

    1. Thanks Kent -- I do seem to be taking my time this challenge but I guess that's where I'm at these days, especially if you do more of the same sort of unit its hard not to try and make each one a bit better!

  11. Awesome Legionaries Simon, love the faces!

    1. Thanks Sander. Sometimes I wish I could paint beards and moustaches on these guys but that’s not allowed 😄

  12. I love Victrix's figs and your paint job is superb.

    1. Thanks for that. I do like how the figures come together very cleanly and paint up well. Also they’re good for mixing and matching as I need to do for my Jewish rebels

  13. Excellent looking Legionaries, lovely finish, have you been up to see Legio at the British Museum? Worth a trip in my humble opinion?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain -- I haven't seen that exhibition yet but I am definitely intending too -- thanks for the personal recommendation

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul. The proud history of the legion demands nothing less (if you examine the shields closely I believe this is LEG VI C but as this never served in Judea we will pass on that!)

  15. Thanks Matt. Something about that legionary uniform always comes out nice

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray -- that's very kind of you, only another twenty or so similar bases to go!
