Monday, 30 December 2024

From GeoffT, Lust, Sexy Nurses (45 points)

Hello Challengers,

The theme of lust is well represented in fantasy art, with the ubiquitous chain mailed bikini clad barbarian well represented in paintings, illustrations and miniatures.

When Malifaux burst onto the miniature scene in about 2007, they had an amusing new take on a number of tired tropes.  One was the zombie hookers from the resurrectionist faction.

These nurse models are from the same faction, they are not zombified, nevertheless somewhat an amusing bent from the standard tropes.

The whole gang.

These models are a part of a set of five miniatures I painted from the first edition McMourning starter set.  I do very much enjoy these starter sets, they are great fun.  I got this from a bargain bin, the theme of my challenge this year.  These models are highly detailed sculpts, so were pretty hard to paint.  The detail was a bit beyond my aged eyes and old school painting methods, but I tried my best.


5 x 28mm miniatures = 25 points

Lust theme = 20 points

Squirrel count +1 for Malifaux Ressurectionists.

Kind Regards



Great work on these Malifaux misfits, Geoff. For 'Lust' I knew we were going to hit the usual suspects and you're first on the board with 'the sexy nurse' - congratulations! :) I have to say that even with your aged eyes and old school skills you did a magnificent job on this team. I quite like the doctor snapping on his gloves like Frank-N-Furter. Great stuff!

- Curt


  1. It's the gloves that really sell it. They look like a fun set of figures.

  2. The first edition sculpts were really good, great fun and these are very nicely done

  3. Great work, I like the nurse with the circular saw.

  4. Lovely figures. Definitely not the two you want to see if strapped to a table!

  5. "the Zombie Hookers from the Resurrectionist Faction"

    The stuff one gets to read during the Painting Challenge! Fine brushwork Geoff.

  6. I didn't see any nurses that looked like these in last years stays in hospital!!!

  7. Those to approaching would see the backside of any patient fleeing for the door. Great submission all Bruce
