Monday, 30 December 2024

From GeoffT, Gluttony, Oni no Tsuburi, (50 points)

 Hello Challengers,

These beauties were retrieved from a bargain bin.  They are called Oni no Tsuburi.  Their faces are fabulous, I really like these models and will be keen to find a role for them in a game.  I didn’t bother reading the lore on these as I am pretty sure they are gluttonous.  I did identify they belong to the Clan Wars game, from the Shadowlands faction.

They are truly massive lumps of metal, I can only conclude that metal was much cheaper in real terms in the era they were made, mid 1990s I think.  They are 60mm tall, but have a huge 90mm arm span.  I have put them next to a few other models to show the scale of these monstrosities. 

They could be considered to be 28mm vehicle sized for 20 points a pop, but not quite there I don’t think.  Or maybe just saying as a 54mm fig for 10 points a pop.  But their girth would suggest 10 points is an understatement.  They certainly took a long time to paint, and depleted my supply of flesh colours. However, such claims for heady points values will need to go to the adjudicator I feel.  I do certainly hope they are worth at least 12.5 points each so they are worthy of a squirrel.


2 x 28mm big things = 30 points as a guess.

Gluttony = 20 points

Squirrel +1 for Clan Wars Shadowlands.

Kind Regards 



Great looking Oni Geoff. I love the way you've painted them - their mouths are super disturbing and scary. I'm thinking that these would be fantastic for Hametsu.

Let's go with your suggestion of 15 each. Well done!


  1. That is some lovely flesh work.

    1. Thanks, they were a blast to paint. The big surfaces work well for the layering method which I prefer.

  2. Eeewwwwwwww. Which is a compliment, smashing painting

  3. How I feel I look after Christmas.....

  4. Yuck! And I mean that in the nicest way. Great work on the too much flesh. I feel that they should be wearing MAGA hats.

  5. They sure look gluttonous. Nice work on the skin.

  6. Ugly buggers, ice brushwork


  7. Great post - love the figures and painting. Am off to Japan soon so hope dont meet any of these ....

  8. Splendid flesh work Geoff. Quite horrific models, fitting gluttony perfectly. Bruce

  9. They are enormous! Perfect for the theme! 😁
