Monday, 30 December 2024

From AlanD - Queen Zenobia and a Project Finished (80 points)

Hello everyone - it is great to be back in the Challenge this year! 

My first entry for the year is Queen Zenobia and some Palmyran light infantry, all from A&A Miniatures. Last year, I was fortunate enough to receive the Challengers' Choice for some of the early figures for my Palmyran army, and these are now the last. 2024 was not a massively productive hobby year for me, but whenever I had a chance I chipped away at the Palmyrans (so many archers...argh!), and I'm chuffed to finish the year with the army done, hopefully to see battle in a game of To the Strongest! soon. 

Here are Zenobia and friends, for 80 points.

...and here's the whole army complete. 

I'm not sure what to paint next...


Welcome back Dux! It's wonderful to see you return with your storied Palmyran project from last year's Challenge. Zenobia and her standard bearer look suitably magnificent mounted on their camels. Also, your last unit of archers are terrific as well, especially that chap in the blue jerkin with the white embroidery. Lovely stuff.

You can bask in the sense of completion while you ponder on your next project. I look forward to it.

- Curt


  1. A fab submission to complete this amazing army mate. Pics just don't do it justice and it needs to be seen up close to be fully appreciated. The jewel is your cataphract units though IMHO - just superb!

  2. Thanks Paul! I think I need some small and simple projects before tackling the Landsknechts. They scare me.

  3. That is a great way to start the Challenge!

  4. Love the colours, just enough to pop and not enough to overwhelm.

  5. Very nice. Lovely to see the whole army as well

  6. Wonderful work. Queen Zenobia is a lovely sculpt. The horde looks great all lined up.

  7. Great to have you back, looking forward to see what you paint next.

  8. This was an excellent and inspiring project Alan - or I should say "is", given that no project is truly "finished", is it?

    Your Romans always cause me to wonder about at last attempting some of my own! Welcome back to the Challenge, glad to have you along.

  9. Great looking command stand. Congrats on finishing a project or al least this phase of it. Hope they do well on the field of battle.

  10. Good to see you again Alan, a project is never really finished though!

  11. You can’t beat 3rd century Roman-ish goodness in my books! What a great finish to a great project

  12. A smashing way to sign off on 2024. It looks terrific mate!

  13. Hi perfect way to round off your brilliant project from last Challenge. Love the Zenobia model .......

  14. That's a lovely army! Your finished with a project until you notice you need another for reasons not yet foreseen.


  15. Fantastic brushwork Alan, I must add her to my collection


  16. Great finish to a wonderful project Dux. The whole army is fabulous and on to the next. Cheers. Bruce

  17. nothing like getting out of LIMBO - palmyrans are always an attractive army and your queen is a nice rendition to finish off your extensive work

  18. Colorful painted figures. I always like that!
