Tuesday, 31 December 2024

QuinnM GW- High Elf- 45 points

So we have already seen some beautiful painted old GW High elves from MikeW. Now i submit my own not as beautiful elves. I painted 1-2 colors a day over the last week. I will be batch painting 80 elven spearmen over the challenge and hope to improve.

9x28mm footman = 45 points

I got a number of old boxes of High elves that were sitting in a family friend's garage for probably 10+years(but some are older than me). As such I have a unit of spearmen missing their shields and decided to start with them.

I took inspiration for my paint scheme from the box(and what pants I have) as I wanted to paint them to match older painting conventions so I did a simple sand base and goblin green edge. 

Thanks to ByronM for showing be how to get better photos.


Great old school Elves, Quinn. The sand basework and Goblin Green edging is classic. Well done.

- Curt


  1. Eighty elves! Look forwards to it. Love the base colours.

  2. Love the classic paint scheme. These look ready for battle to me

  3. Absolute classic figures with a classic paint scheme! Wonderful stuff.

  4. It is heart warming to see younger ones painting in classic Oldhammer style.

  5. Those bring back memories, really nicely painted Quinn

  6. Well Done Quinn! It would be nice to see a picture of all 80 spearmen when you are done.

  7. Great job with these these High Elves! I have a classic mounted Mage on the work bench plus some much newer 3D Elves to get around to! Good luck with your remaining figures...

  8. Excellent work Quinn. They look similar to Rick Priestley’s work where he walked through his painting scheme in a long lost White Dwarf. Fun project. Bruce
