Tuesday, 31 December 2024

From PeteB - Airfix Medieval Soldiers - 54 mm - 50 Points

Earlier this year I've painted two of these figures and now I decided to paint the five others I have in spare for this challenge. Didn't paint the eyes on these ones because I found it a bit tricky, they are to small to make it look good, and I didn't want to ruin the faces. I chose a simple red and white patern to paint them so they would fit with the other two. A lot more colors were added on the small details.

All seven!

I hope the pictures are better as in my previous post. Used a darker background and extra light. I hope you like them.

And I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2025!

Points: 5 x 54 mm foot figures = 50 Points


Lovely work on these Airfix lovelies Pete. The white and red is very sharp. I especially like the big fella working out with the stone and the archers with their heads held back about to loose. Great work!

Happy New Year!!

- Curt


  1. Airfix - wow! Very cool, well done.

  2. Very nice and quite inspiring. I've had some of these exact chaps hanging around my unpainted mountain for YEARS, seeing your paint jobs makes me want to round them up.

  3. Wow remember these plastic Airfix from childhood days - especially the guy throwing the rock! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great work Peter. I remember these figures from my childhood. Exactly like Jez said, especially the guy throwing the rock.

  5. You’re taking me back 50 years with these guys. Nice work, I really like the simple but effective livery. IMHO not painting eyes is a smart move, otherwise you end up with an army of Raccoons and Pandas.

  6. Love the old school base colour on these Peter. nice work

  7. Love the red accents and the classic bases.

  8. Long time since I've seen these Airfix classics, good job!

  9. What on earth the fella holding a boulder over his head is thinking is anyone’s guess! Nice job on these

  10. Very fun classics Pete. Bruce

  11. Quite a neat painting, especially with the white (such a difficult color for me!). The base green seems a bit too much intense to me. Just a matter of tastes, or maybe your camera loves green more than other colors. Anyway, great job!
