As one so near malaria's ecstasy/ Of shivering that his every fingernail/ Turns blue, and at the merest sight of shade/ He trembles head to foot, such I became
Inferno, Canto XVII
Dante Alighieri died in 1321. He was in Ravenna, in exile from his beloved Florence, aged about 56. It is generally thought that he died from malaria, the symptoms of which Dante had described above. The Centre for Disease Control supports this view*, noting the poet's recent travel through the 'bad air/ malum aeris' of the mosquito-infested swamps around Venice.
18-19th century Italian sculpture representing Dante's death. |
After his death, Dante's skull will have many adventures! Join me as we trace them over the course of the Challenge.
Skull Tally
- PeteF 11
- QuinnM 10
- DavidB 7
- GregB 5
- TeemuL 1
We're underway, and the skullz are piling up. PeteF just ahead (boom tish) of QuinnM, but there's a long way to go yet.
To enter, tag your post with 'Skull Duel' and state in the post both how many skullz you have painted, and what your running total is. Feel free to enter the duel at any time in the Challenge.
*Breedlove, B. (2024). Poet, Politician, Exile, and Probable Malaria Victim. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30(7), 1500-1501.
Thanks for the tally Skully. I hope to have some noggins coming up soon!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to it!
DeleteA great start to the most contested duel of the challenge!
ReplyDeleteTruly a clash of champions!
DeleteA fine bit of skull counting Barks!
ReplyDeleteI've been training hard.
DeleteI love the skull puppet, great model.
ReplyDeleteIt's brilliant!
DeleteSome weird and wonderful submissions. I've managed to paint 8 unexpectedly. They get everywhere. All these skulls reminds me of a visit to the Capuchin Crypt in Rome. If you like skulls that is the place to go!
ReplyDeleteThey can sneak up and accumulate!
DeleteGreat skulls. I’ll have to enter the skull duel with the zombie camels getting a shout out. Cheers.