Thursday, 30 January 2025

From DaveD: Better make that first shot count (42 points)

Another week of working on the Ardennes table - I have it left set up and just keep adding bits..  Time for some US firepower in the form  of 4 Anti tank guns.  Not terribly big ones a mere 57mm. As that measurement might have confused our American cousins there will be some 3 inch ones coming out of the stash in due course.


I finally  found a colour for the US winter greatcoat I was happy with at the smaller scale - ironically German Med camo brown with a wash and highlight . 

The usual home made tufts and AK Snow paste for the bases. I need to spend an hour making another big batch of tufts this week too.

Next are a few “objective pieces” the start of a fuel dump , with a stash of oil drums from the stowage stash  - I have more stacks of the traditional Jerry cans on order at the moments . 

All 15mm stuff from Battlefront . 

4 guns = 16 pts
12 crew - 24 points 
40 in total to keep the scoreboard ticking.

TeemuL: Excellent! I like your commitment to keep the table setup, it will make it easy to take good photos, create small stories behind the units and undoubtly is quite inspiring, too. And thank you for mentioning your self made tufts, that's an art form I should try sometime. I'll give two bonus points for the fuel dumps. And I expect this project to continue and give joy to us in the near future?


  1. Teemu- given the amount of tufts I would buy it made sense to get the kit to do it . Plus I can do a better range of shapes , and can do direct to bases to if need be . Yes this will running through the challenge

    1. I might use more tufts, if they were not gone all the time and then I need to buy more and I could use the money on something else... But making them by myself might help.

    2. It does massively .its an outlay at first - but I make tufts by the 1000’s!

    3. I can do a teach in chat sometime - it’s really not hard

  2. Great work as usual Dave.

    Your set up brings to mind the snow clogging my street...but thankfully no Panthers rolling down the road...yet...

  3. Great additions to the Thursday Snowfest 👍

  4. Nice snow bases. I never realized there was a kit for making tufts.

    1. WWS are my go to scenic supplier

  5. Really nice work as always Dave and very evocative photos

  6. Replies
    1. Glad you appreciate it - you will be playing on it soon enough

  7. Nice set of 'door knockers' Dave. You setup looks ace as well!

    1. Cheers Snowlord - you should know on the snow front !

  8. Great additions to your artillery park Dave!

  9. Well done Dave, with you're ability to keep the scoreboard ticking over we should christen you as the Geoffrey Boycott of wargames

    1. Yes it’s moving slowly - complete so,etching each week while working on the big hit!

  10. Great stuff Dave, I think I need to do a decent snow table

  11. Excellent bangers these Dave. I just opened packages and dumped my tufts in a drawer for use later. Hmm, the price tag I kept seeing opening the boxes has me wondering about your solution. Well done.

    1. If you use them in any real number it is worth it . Plus you make your own mixes and variation of shapes

  12. Great work continues on this project Dave. It is being stored as inspiration for me when I return to 20mm and the Ardennes.

  13. These look great on your setup Dave, nice work, I feel frosty just looking at them!

  14. Nice work Dave, continuation of the chilly theme

    1. Cheers enjoying sticking with the same thing at the moment
