Thursday, 30 January 2025

From KenR: 28mm Spanish Italian Wars Cavalry Part 2 (62 points)

Following on from last week's Spanish Gent d'Armes I have another unit of, guess what, Gent d'Armes! Which doubles the amount of heavy Cavalry I have for that army, they won't have long to wait for action as the Italian Wars collection will be out and about at the York Show at the weekend.

I've already ordered another 36 of these figures from TAG, they are 28mm figures from their Spanish Renaissance Range, this unit has a larger number of Sword bearers with a couple of Lances required for the obligatory flags.

They are based on 50 x 60 bases which is my standard for the period, horses painted in oils, figures in acrylics. 10 points a piece for the Cavalry gives me another 62 points when you chuck in the flags.

The joy of painting for me is when the individual units I paint join up in a larger mass and even with just two units I get a sense of how spectacular these boys are going to look on the table when I've done 12 to 16 of them. 

Next week I hope to have some Prussian Landwehr done but don't worry, there should be a ship as well this week!

TeemuL: RayR just had a cavalry unit added to his army, KenR does the same. Both are counting on to get some bonus points for their troubles. Both units look great. Both have a lastname starting with R. Are you guys related? :)

My Thursday crew is making this rather easy to me, no nasty surprises of minis in strange scales, no last minute entries, just pretty models and all the maths done for me. And as said Ken, those two units together look quite spectacular, one unit of six looks a bit thin, but that unit of twelve looks just great. Looking forward for more - and the ships, too.


  1. Great stuff Ken, really adding a lot of cavalry to your armies

  2. Awesome as always Ken, just great stuff. I always do love the look of massed 28mm cavalry of any sort, but armour chaps with flags
    and banners are particularly great to see!

  3. More wonderful cavalry. Not that I enjoy painting horses but your video ages back on painting horses was great.

    1. Cheers, I find oils so easy to use, I forget about actually painting the horse most of the time 👍

  4. You Italian stuff always amazes. About to do some myself

    1. Cheers Martin, you'll have more than me in a week 😄

  5. Replies
    1. Cheers, very much what this period is about 👍

  6. Excellent as usual. Well done.

  7. Lovely work Ken, hope you had a great day at Vapnartak.
