Thursday, 30 January 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - French Mixed Cavalry unit no1 (92 points)


Perry Miniatures make a few packs of French and Allied Cavalry in various winter clothing, both uniform and non-uniform. I have bought these packs, which are still in the lead mountain of shame. So with my brain in overdrive I've searched every company I can think of who sell 25-28mm French Napoleonics Cavalry for figures with either greatcoats and or wet weather gear on.

There are NOT a lot, Front Rank to a few mounted command figures and that's about it really, So what to do????

Then I found these chaps, from Empress Miniatures Gwalior, Afghanistan, Punjaub and Scinde. range. Thinking "I might be able to uses these?", although they did break my heart and my wallet. £28.50 for 6 figures!!!

Originally I was going to use these figures as command models, but not now, although some may find their way into doing so???? Empress do sell more figures like these bad boys, that might have to join the collection at a later date???

As you know the Retreat from Moscow was a little haphazard. I've chosen not to have any formed units as such, I'm going for mixed adhoc units, made up from different regts. These figures can be mixed in with the Perry figures previously mentioned. The French cavalry lost many, many horses on the retreat, I expect most were slaughtered for their meat, or just died from the cold, so a lot of cavalry fought on foot, for this and many other reasons. Making them mixed units makes sense to me?

In the front row we have figures all from Empress representing the 2nd Cuirassiers, 4th Chasseurs and the 11th Hussars. 
The two figures representing the 2nd Cuirassiers were originally going to be the Wuttemburg 1st Chevau Legere, as the helmet kind of match theirs, minus a plume, but after painting them, I found further info saying that the helmet changed to another kind in 1807, oh !!!!!!. So they became the 2nd Cuirassiers instead!

At the back we have figures from 10th Cuirassiers, the 4th Chasseurs and the 30th Dragoons. The two figures on the right are both the bravest of the brave, wearing no winter coats!! and are plastic figures from Victrix, (I think)

The Officer is a figure from Casting Room Miniatures, that I bought for my Haitian Revolution project that didn't get used,. Pack FN530

My favorite figure in the 11th Hussar, front row on the right, wearing a Father Christmas coat, firing his pistol over his shoulder.

Horses arse!

These poor souls all had their heads chopped off and replaced with a more suitable Napoleonic head apart from the commander on the left who's now wearing a nice warm and furry cloak.

As to the points...
9 x Mounted 25mm figures @ 10 pts each, gives me a total of 90, plus anything that Teemu gives me for the conversion work?

TeemuL: And continuing the age old fashion of tightly focused Thursday crew, we have more of the same! :) Excellent entry Ray, great that you have found nice cavalry models to create this informal unit retreating together. In this project, I think there are no button counters, if someone from the Wuttemburg 1st found a nice and warm helmet of 2nd Cuirassiers, then he might have taken it and still be part of the original unit. I wouldn't blame. They look cool, in many ways, and are usable as one unit or as separated to other units. I'll give you two bonus points for your troubles.


  1. Lovely mate,really for great coats etc look at Steve Barber miniatures. Steve has dragoons, Carabiniers and Cuirassiers too, in capes though.


    1. Ahhh! Great find Matt. I didn't think about Steve Barber!!! Cheers!

  2. Ray's "brain in overdrive"? Where does one go with that particular assertion...

    Looking great as usual Ray. I can feel the chill, and they all look excellent.

  3. Super stuff, that's more white powder than Colombia 😉

  4. Great stuff and love the mix of the uniform types in the unit - all that horse flesh might be a draw for the starving infantry though?

  5. Very characterful unit Ray! Well done!


  6. Lovely work on these modified models Ray. They look brilliant as a unit.

  7. Replies
    1. Steve Barber has various French and Russkies in winter gear production should start again shortly worth pinging him

    2. Yes, Matt mentioned those, they are rather nice, I'll defo have to crack the wallet open me thinks!

  8. Excellent stuff. Painting a mixed unit must be simple production line repeating the same colours for you! Excellent rag-tag unit. My Cossack's from last week will enjoy chasing them.

    1. Yes Lee, that's why I wanted to do the Ruskies!!!! Your mob of Cossacks will enjoy poking their sticks somewhere!

  9. I am impressed with your focus! These mixed lads look great together

  10. Mixed units must be the way to go.

    1. Well it is for the french here, I hope to have another couple of mixed Cav units soon?

  11. Money well spent Ray - nice work

  12. The mix is great. Well done and $$ well spent.

  13. Ray I really look forward to looking when I see Russian winter posts appear and these are wonderful examples

    1. Thanks Richard, LeeH is doing the Russians, he posts on Thursday's

  14. Lovely work Ray, these came together very nicely, you can sense their desperation!

    1. Bit like me, I was desperate to get the buggers finished! Blood Sweat & loads of Tears!

  15. Nicely done Ray, I think the days of 2.00 cavalry are over unless you use plastics :D
