Sunday, 26 January 2025

From TeemuL: Greedy Drake [Greed] (30 points)

If there is something which is pure greed, then I'd say it would be a dragon. Dragon gathers gold, jewels and treasures just to have them, not to use them on anything or investing, just having them around and use as a bed.

Wikipedia has both drakes and dragons on the same page and I don't know if they different words in Finnish either. So here is a Grenadier Black Drake from 1986 as my entry for Circle of Greed. He is from their Fantasy Classics set, number 339. This was part of a small haul of old metal minis I bought just after Christmas, a dozen metal minis from Grenadier, Ral Partha, Games Workshop and Mithril for 50 euros including posting. Not ridiculously cheap, but cheap enough.

Black Drake is mostly black, highlighted in many ways similar to the pegasus of Morathi last week. I planned to paint his belly rather pale, but it is quite dark in the end, but has some rather nice highlights. The tail looks ok, as seen above, but I should have use lighter colours wider especially in the belly and throat areas. The red wattle(?) started from the same dark brown, but I went to red and orange there. And the lone horn shifted to yellow, just to bring some colours to him. Eyes are yellow, too.

The photo above shows the drake with his nemesis, fearless dwarf slayer, roughly from the same decade, I think. Dwarf painted previously, no points for him. The above photo also shows the size of the drake, so not that big.

I ask 10 points for the drake, he is quite small, but still bigger than a regular human or horse in 28mm world. Model is available from Mirliton, who describes the drake as 40mm tall. And I wouldn't dare to anger a drake by asking too little... :) And then 20 points for theme. I seem to be walking on thin ice this week, asking more and more from my minion...

Good Morning!
I love dragons and I particularly like Black Drakes colourful red wattle and yellow horn. The bright colours are a really nice contrast to the dark greens of his body. But where's his treasure? Has the treasure already been stolen by the fearless dwarf?
 Well done on finding these lovely  vintage models I think all the Challengers will be keen to see what else from this trove will make it into the Challenge!

28mm Dragon  = 10 points
Location bonus Greed = 20 points
30 points to your scoreboard Teemu!


  1. Great drake/dragon Teemu. Will make a wonderful adversary for your adventurers.

    1. Thanks Bruce! Always good to have a dragon in the backpocket.

  2. Very nice, gotta love a dragon

  3. Thank you, Sarah! May be this small one is a baby drake and trying to get his first treasure from the dwarf (who are rather greedy, too)?

  4. Wonderful to see such a classic model get some love!

    1. Thank you, Paul! Without the Challenge he would still be waiting, I guess.

  5. Great work on lovely old dragon.

  6. Great choice to represent "Greed" ....

    1. Thanks, Jez! I was wondering what to do for this, but then spotted this dragon and it was easy.

  7. A great paintjob for a deserving miniature!

    1. Thank you, Sander! Always more pressure to paint an old metal mini than a new plastic one.

  8. That's a really nice old skool looking drake Teemu and I really like you colour choices.

    1. Thanks, Millsy! It is always a bit easier to do oldschool, because that's the way I know better. :)

  9. Great entry again Teemu, love the drake
