Sunday, 26 January 2025

From SanderS: Enter the Stompy Robots! (55 points)


This far into the Challenge it is about time I start making progress in the Stompy Robots Side Duel. As I have a huge amount of unpainted Battlemechs for Classic Battletech laying around I grabbed the spray can and basecoated a bunch of them. Today's entry brings you 8 mechs (2 lances) of mechs in the colours of the 5th Sword of Light a crack unit of the Draconis Combine ruled by the Kurita family. One of my favourite Inner Sphere factions. 

Decals I used are from Fighting Pirannha Graphics

I also painted up some jump infantry for my Clan Jade Falcon. These elementals are vat-bred huge superhuman warriors making use of superior exoskeleton armour to fight their enemies, 

That just leaves working out the points and that's bit more difficult than my other posts today. Officially Battletech is a 1:285 (or 6mm) scale. The elementals are indeed more or less 6 mm high so I am counting 30 figures which comes down to 15 points. The mechs are far larger, akin to a Space Marine or in any case a 28mm figure and have been counted as such elsewhere in this Challenge so that's 8 figures in 28mm and that adds another 20 points. Together that makes 35 points methinks. 

Back to the painttable which is stacked with more Mordheim, 20mm Napoleonics and 30K figures.


Big stompy robots are always a crowd pleaser, imagine the noise a cohort of these makes! The orange armour is a standout and screams "danger ahead" to their foes!

I'll take your math on the points and add another 35 to your scoreboard.

(Math is hard (I know cause I often have to take off my socks for the big stuff): 8 x 5 = 40 for the mechs and 15 for the infantry makes 55 points. - Curt)

- Sarah


  1. Very well done, Sander! That's a very nice, fiery red on those walkers

    1. One of my favourite schemes just because the brightness

  2. Excellent points haul with some great painting.

  3. Wow, gorgeous brushwork on these infantry and Mechs, Sander! Well done!

  4. Lovely Mechs Sander! Man I hated those Kurita fanatics when I was into the BT lore back in the day :-)

    1. Well I have a great amount of the novels and the Dracs get their fair share of attention and the latter ones are less about them being fanatics.

  5. Love the classic battletech mechs. Nice crisp sculpts with a great paint job.

  6. Excellent choice of color. Very crisp and love the jump dudes.

    1. In hindsight I should have chose a different colour for the bases since the smoke trails of the jumppacks are very similar.

  7. An enjoyable game and those minis look great!

    1. I haven't played in ages but yes I likd it a lit

  8. That orange is brilliant painting and great work in two very different sized groups of miniatures.

  9. Excellent brushwork Sander, love the orange!

  10. Great results all around Sander, well done.

  11. Nice work mate. The red/yellow combo really pops!

    1. Thanks Millsy, I am pleased with them for sure!

  12. Millsy has the right of it, great colour combo,- I'm more and more intrigued by Battletech - where can you get this stuff?

  13. Those are both rompy and stompy. Love them
