Sunday, 26 January 2025

From TeemuL: Reinforcements for Delmonteland (50 points)

Continuing my project with imaginative Wars of Insurgency I come back to the first faction I painted in previous challenge: Delmonteland Warriors in AHPC XIV

"US Marine" next to his "German" friends

I'm not quite sure who these warriors really are and what they are fighting for, but they are definitely from the better armed and equipped end. But here they are casually sitting on the Open Blitz (painted before Challenge) and waiting for action. So they are originally Germans for WW2, but now "paint converted" to Delmonteland and fight with their "paint converted" US Marines. :) The same colour scheme for different warriors does wonders, doesn't it? I'm almost tempted to use these as an entry for one of the inner circles of Abyss, but I'm not that far yet.

Their camo is basically for desert, but Delmonteland is quite green  - basically a jungle. That might cause some issues in firefights, but these are professionals. Unfortunately their WW2 era surplus equipment doesn't fit the field of war they have gone. Actually I'm quite sure that most of these are just bullies and they don't expect to get any real fights (or at least any real opponents), they are just posing and looking dangerous and expecting it to be enough. We shall see, when I get to the actual gaming phase.

Freedom Fighters guarding their truck...

...only to be surpsised by the cargo!

Story behind these is that I got the Opel Blitz from Warlord Games Mystery Box and decided to use it for my Delmonteland Natives (the ones you saw last week), because it looked like a vehicle, which could have been used in the blood orange plantations after WW2. I was happily surprised, when I found these 10 passengers in the box. They do not work as natives, but I can field them as mercenaries (or whatever that faction shall be). And they can even hijack or "take in control" the Opel truck and travel with it undercover. Or I can use the truck to move the natives. Lots of options, you see.

Paint job is quite quick and dirty, sprayd yellow, then picked out the flesh, boots, guns and belts. Dotted some camo spots and then a brownish wash all over. The scoring is a bit tricky, since they are touching each other, but quite lightly - they are not prone or something like that. And I painted their bottoms and soles of their boots, so I'm asking for the full points. My minion is free to disagree.

Just to allow myself to sleep, here's the proof of rarely seen painted areas...


Who am I to disagree with Teemu and the well-painted back sides and bottoms of his Banana Republic passengers? Full points it is for your soldiers of Delmonteland
I am intrigued by this project of yours.. it seems very versatile and a project that could easily morph into many diverse scenarios. Cool!

10 x 28mm figures = 50 points added to your scoreboard

See you next week
- Sarah


  1. Thank you Sarah! The project indeed is quite versatile and open for imaginative twists. :)

  2. I always appreciate a truck with passengers.

    1. Thanks Barks! I guess I need to build same cargo options, too.

  3. Great one Teemu! Love the story you've made up for them

    1. Thank you, Sander! It has been very refreshing to let my imagination flow with this project.

  4. whacky but each to their own! and story telling is a very important thing to do.

    1. Thank you very much! This might not be everyone's cup of tea, but variety is richness. :)

  5. Interesting and fun way to game Teemu. I have these same figures for WW2. Should be a way to run many different scenarios. Fun work.

    1. I guess I'm a fantasy player in the end, but you don't dwarfs and space monsters to be a fantasy player. :)

  6. That’s a very unique colour scheme for the ww2 figs, quite intriguing.

  7. A great project Teemu, brilliant idea

    1. Thanks, a very fun project, keeps giving energy.

  8. Nice work, this is a fun project
