Wednesday, 5 February 2025

From JamieM: the Drowned Earth and Elementals (280 points)

Having finally gotten Limbo out of the way, it’s time to start posting the rest of the things I’ve been painting.

First up are some miniatures for a game called “the drowned earth”. It’s a small game run by a small company and you can feel the passion they have for it. Set it a post apocalyptic world after “the Event”, (they don’t tell you what the event was, but it was certainly apocalyptic….) you have small bands running around with dinosaurs. Yep, you read that right, dinosaurs.

It’s not particularly well explained why dinosaurs are back, nor why there are some anthropomorphized animals in the crews, but I don’t care as they look cool!

The first band are the Wayfarers. These are a mercenary faction who can be taken by any faction or they can fight together.

As I mentioned, some anthropomorphizing going on, but as there’s an elephant with a minigun, I think we can count that as a massive win.

I’ll use the female in the team to help me get to the “Greed” circle and then present this mob for it.

They are the Bondsmen, essentially bounty hunters who will collect any bounty without qualms, thus prizing money over anything else.

The lizard fella is the leader and the giant ape is an absolute beast in the game, as you’d expect having seen him.

Anyway, I’ll then use one of the females in the crew to move me to the “Wrath” circle. Now, did I mention the game included dinosaurs?

These are a Keratosaur, 2 yuttaraptors, domeheads, oviraptors and troodons. They all have slightly different stats and abilities in the game and I’m itching to try them out, having only used the normal mobs so far.

Without any knowledge of the colours to use, I just went with the pictures from their stat cards and I’m pleased with how they’ve come out.

It’s also something of a milestone as I’ve managed to paint all of the Drowned Earth miniatures that I own! That’s right, I’ve managed to not expand a new game waaaaaaay beyond the time I have to paint them. Excuse as I may need to have a lie down to recover……. 

Anyway, because at least one of them will clearly be female (the male dinosaurs don’t get to have all of the fun hunting down humans to eat!), I’ll use one of the females to move me along to the “violence” circle for my next offering.

These are a selection of elementals for the Kings of War game and I think we can all see just how violent Nature can be when it gets going. Not directed violence as such, given it is just nature after all, but to those of us living on the earth we are subject to its whims and the after effects of the elements on people and places can be devastating.

Water elementals first with one greater and 5 lesser of the type. These were an absolute blast to paint and I loved what Mantic did with them, with fish, octopi and a boat skeleton unwittingly along for the ride!

I didn’t think they’d be that much fun to paint, but I really enjoyed trying to get the blues and the spray right and I’m really pleased with them.

Next up are the fire elementals

These, conversely, were less fun than I expected and I’m not pleased with how they turned out (especially having seen Barks do some excellent fire effects yesterday!), but they’re done and I suspect any attempt to change them would make them messier, so I’m calling them done and moving on to the next challenge.

So, scores on the doors……

The Drowned Earth - 15 28mm infantry (75) and 5 40mm infantry (35) plus greed and wrath (40) for 150 points.

Elementals - 10x 40mm infantry (70) and two 28mm vehicles (40) plus violence (20) for 130 points.

Altogether that’s 280 points.

Sylvain minioning for Greg: Wow, what a nice point bomb. You really are offering us a nice variety of figurines this week, especially with the Drowned Earth collection. I will have to check out that game as I like the cartoonish look of the characters. Your elementals look great and don't be too harsh on yourself, just looking at them I know these are "fire elementals", so kudos for a nice try. Great job!



  1. Excellent points bomb and brush work. The paint schemes on the elementals are wonderful. Well done.

  2. Very cool minis and great paintwork Jamie! I'm not a huge fan of anthropomorphized stuff, but who can argue with an Elephant with a minigun (no really, who would argue with him!)? Love the dinosaurs too. I wonder if you could use candidates from the dollar store/pound shop? And congrats on getting the basic set done too! Bravo!

  3. Wonderful work all around. An elephant with a mini gun is definitely a win.

  4. Really nice collection of oddities. I really like those fire elementals. They look like marshmallows that I'd left over the campfire too long.

  5. I really like the dinos! I'd consider a liberal coat of gloss for the water- I think your fire elementals are great, really dramatic.

  6. Wow fantastical beasts and creatures, great brushwork too


  7. great collection - I really like the greens on your dinosaurs
