Wednesday, 5 February 2025

From SylvainR: 28mm Giantesses for D&D (30 points)


After painting seven white male giants, I felt some DEI was needed and so painted three giantesses. Again these are all Reaper vinyl models from the collection given by JeremyM. The monk, above, gives a sense of their size. The first one is a cloud giantess and her pose makes sense only if the purpose is to accentuate her curves.

I need to scratch my kneecap...

Oh, is my butt showing?

The next giantess is described as a "frost giant princess" on the Reaper web site, but the "tusks" she is wearing on each side of her head as well as the small tusks in her face inspired me to make her into an "elephant hunter" instead, so I painted her with dark skin and beige leather clothes suitable for the savanna. I assume she made her spear from elephant bones. I imagine her slowly walking in the distance, at sunset, preceded by a rattling sound. The heroes chillingly realized that the sound was caused by her collection of skulls clinking against each other. Then, when the heroes saw two blank eyes starring at them as the giantess got closer, they instantly knew that their heads would be part of her collection before the next morning...

"Merde, she saw us..."

Rattle little skulls, rattle!

I find that the third giantess is giving lots of attitude. She looks like a spoiled teenage princess except she can twirl a 500 pound stone spear. Her lips seem to be initiating the sound "F...". When you look at her body proportions, her legs appear too short in regard to her torso, but who's fool enough to dare mention it to her?

Phoque? Où? (Seal? Where?)

Say what? You want to impose tariffs on height?


Points claimed:

3 x 54mm foot figurines at 10 points each = 30 points

Total = 30 points

Thanks for reading!


Thats 3 lasses I wouldn't want to fall foul of, thats for sure! Nice job Sylvain

- Paul


  1. These are pretty cool, nice to see a variety of models and excellent paint work on making them distinct

  2. Nice models and a great paint job.

  3. Excellent giantesses Sylvain. I have the pouty Fire Giantess in the que as I type, 80% done. I like the one with the bad back or scratching her knee, ha. Your crew of giants grows.

  4. Awesome work Sylvain! I particularly like the formidable 'elephant huntress'.

  5. That Elephant huntress is superb.

  6. Liking those sculpts, great brushwork on those figures too
