Wednesday, 5 February 2025

From Sarah: Carnivale Dancers (10 Points)

These two lovely and flamboyant Dancers will be colourful additions to the gaming table.

Dancer #1 with swirling pink skirts is a 3D print from the Great Grimoire. 

She is a beautiful sculpt however I thought the mass of skirt was very heavy looking, so I thought to paint the skirt to resemble a light, floaty sari-like fabric. After much thought, I used Vallejo Rosa with smatterings of GreenStuff World colour shifting Red Goblin & Nebula Copper.

Dancer #2 with the green pantaloons was a much easier figure to paint. Maybe because I decided on a simpler colour palette?

Another 3D print, this one from Galaad Miniatures.

Once again, Curt dashed to my rescue to help with the skin tones, faces and the dancers’ abs … they are fit!

Both of these Dancers will join my first entry of the Masked Carnival Couple as part of an upcoming Venice/Carnivale Game. Though, I hope Curt will find they’d fit right in in any bar/tavern setting too!

2x28mm 5pts each = 10points

I have a few more Venetian characters that I hope to have ready for next week … but firstly the 3D printer needs some maintenance & I’m not sure my place in the waiting queue?!

Thanks for reading!

Sylvain minioning for Greg: Nothing static in these two figurines. Their limbs are extended and  the apparent imbalance of their pose as well as the position of their hair suggests dynamic gestures. Dresses and accessories add to the illusion of twirling motions. Very well done!


  1. Nice dancers, Sarah! Have strength in you with the flesh tones, one can only learn by practice. :)

  2. Both very nice dynamic figures!

    1. Hahaha … I think Curt wanted to paint them but I found them first!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, I’m still such a newbie at this and learning every time I pick up a brush

  4. Lovely work on these two, love the movement in these poses.

  5. Replies
    1. I do like vivid colours (probably because my work clothes are all black🤷‍♀️)

  6. Fabulous dancers. Will definitely work in any tavern or amphitheater. Fun.

    1. I know … very versatile in many genres 😊
