Wednesday, 5 February 2025

From Sarah: ‘Leda and the Swan’ [Lust] (30 Points)

In Greek Myth, Zeus was infamous for his lust and the objects of his lust transcended gender and species.

Here we have Leda and the Swan in which Zeus, disguised as a swan, seduces Leda, wife of Spartan King Tyndareus. Later that day, Leda also has relations with her husband and consequently hatches either one or two eggs. The eggs are two sets of twins, Helen & Pollux and Clytemnestra & Castor.

Most of the paintings and sculptures depicting this myth are both violent, graphic and NSFW, however Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketches for an unfinished painting survive and show Leda with her newly hatched children and the Swan.

The Swan is a 3D print that Curt found on Thingaverse and the Noble Greek Lady was a figure that Curt had already printed.

Straightforward paint job on the Swan, though the black/orange markings around the beak were a little tricky!

Leda, in a simple white robe and pale yellow shawl, also a relatively easy paint job.

However, I really struggled with skin tones so I had to ask Curt for a bit of help. :)

Leda 28mm 5pts

Zeus/Swan 5pts

Location bonus 20 pts

30 points for me!

Thanks for reading!

- Sarah
Sylvain minioning for Greg: A very interesting choice of figurines. Despite the simplicity of the white paint job, details of Leda's dress can be easily distinguished, hinting at a Grecian pattern. Another great entry for you! 


  1. Lots of whites in this entry, but nicely done, Sarah!

    1. Thanks Teemu!
      I’m an impatient painter, but I’m learning to take my time and I’ve discovered that using the colour white patience is necessary

  2. Zeus never really does good, does he...

    1. A dictionary could use him as the definition of generational trauma 😱

  3. Interesting, great interpretation and nice brushwork


  4. Replies
    1. What else is there to be said about Zeus?

  5. At first look a swan and a lady equals Lust? Ahh Zeus. Well done. White can be tricky.

  6. I’m sure all mothers warned their children about Zeus and his antics!
