Thursday, 27 February 2025

From MartinC: Jolly Good Day to Invade Zululand (136 points)

It's been a weird week. I was 58 last week, and so was my brother in law.  As a result we has a 4 day party. So not much time to paint. Have done some more Zulu war stuff.

The trick with  colonial wars is to set difficulties for the imperial forces so that they can not perform perfectly and slaughter the zulus 

Columns of Brits will advance and irregular cavalry will act as scouts. These are poorly trained and will report on clouds of dust,which could be zulus, animals or nothing. These 2 herds of wildebeest,which will distract scouts and send officers on hunting expeditions,away from their duties.

Same for Zebras

Amongst the irregular cavalry are 3 bases of Natal Mtd Police, 1 base of Natal Carabiners, 1 base of Natal Hussars and 1 base of Stanger Horse. There are only minor differences in the uniforms.

There were 2 squadrons of Mtd infantry in the war, taken from various regiments. I have one dismounted and have another to paint.

Assorted officers and standards

Off to paint more of the house now.

34 mtd 10mm figures = 102
12 foot 10mm figures = 12
20 zebras and wildebeest = 20
Total = 134

TeemuL: Ouch, a four day party at age of 58! Anyway, I guess congratulations are in order and some colourful British are very appropriate way to celebrate. Zebras and other wildlife are welcome, too. Please accept two bonus points, let's say they come from the flags and very nice minis. Are all of the Pendraken, animals, too?

By the way, I'll be 47 next month, just after the AHPC ends, so I can't blame my low output on that...