Sunday, 16 February 2025

From RhysH - Basileans for Kings of War Vanguard (100 Points)

 This week's entry from Rhys is 19 Basileans from Mantic Games. Rhys doesn't like/remember that name and just calls them "The Paladins" He has recently become enamored of the skirmish level Vanguard rules, having already been a fan of Kings of War.

This first entry is three heroes and an Elohi, without wings.

 These are the heroes for Rhys' warband. The large fellow is 50mm tall but the rest are standard 28mm.

The guy second from the right is a spell caster of some sort.

It's easier to see just how big the angel is in this shot.

Next up are several Men-at-Arms.

Three crossbows and two melee dudes. The Sergeant with the sword doesn't actually have special rules, Rhys just wanted a leader.

These guys are hard plastic and meet all the normal standards. Many of Mantic's legacy models are PVC and are pretty terrible to assemble.

Next up are two of the Sisters. These are the light troops for Basilea. They provide light shock infantry, rangers and panther riding light cavalry.

Shock infantry with a flail on the left and ranger on the right.

Last up are eight of the standard rank and file troops for Basilea. They are the terrible PVC plastic and were both no fun to assemble and lack the finer detail of the newer Mantic hard plastic sculpts. I got these as part of a mystery box or kickstarter, or something. They sat in a bin until Rhys unearthed them, at which point I gifted them to him.

Soft faces, weird poses. They're just bad models.

Back when I still painted Rhys' models for him I used his school colors for his Abyssal Dwarfs (Chaos Dwarfs). He's continuing that on these models. I'm not sure the Paladins would approve of sharing their insignia with creatures from the Abyss.

This entry is:

18 x 28mm x 5pts = 90 pts

1 x 50mm x 10 pts (9?) = 10 pts

Total = 100 pts


More fantasy models for us to enjoy! The heroes look the stuff (I especially like the crossbowmen) but I can understand the struggle with the PVC figures. I've only ran across a few of them myself and agree that they are often quite a struggle to work with. I like you use your school colours for the agents of Chaos (seems perfectly fitting really). Good work Rhys!

- Curt


  1. well done again Rhys, these armies of yours are growing well in size

  2. Nice job finishing 19 figures for your forces Rhys.

  3. I like the sisters. Sorry to hear about the rank-and-file sculpts.

  4. Great work with some smashing colour choices and I feel your pain on those bendy pvc models as I have plenty to put together as well….

  5. Well done, call them what you want
