Tuesday, 4 February 2025

From SteveA: Trench Crusade Hell Knights (21 points)

Fresh from the Trenches of the Crusade and the Court Of the Seven Headed Serpent I bring you HELL KNIGHTS!

I had a painting plan.... I had mapped out what minis to paint every week to progress thru the AHPC Devine Comedy themes and I had a hand full of minis in stuck on dowels being painted for that plan.... but then after a few recent inspiring chats with ByronM and our friend Mike, and after  the STLs from the minis from the Trench Crusade Kickstarter became available (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1405364378/trench-crusade),  well dang nabbit I went and done shot myself with the Squirrel Gun point blank to my paint brushes!   These minis presented here are less than a week off ByronM's  3d printer and fell into me grubby mitts just last Thursday, all while I have my modest pile of unpainted grey lead and plastic that have been 'round 30 years  still awaiting a loving lick o' paint...

I don't think I am using Speed Paints and the slap-chop technique to their intended efficient use, as I started with the foolish assumption that I could bang out these with a quick layer or two of slap-chopped speed paint action, then return to my original paint plan for this week... but after the first layers of Army Painter Speed Paint (Enchanted Steel, Slaughter Red, Bony Matter, Hoplite Gold)  my old 'Eavy Metal inspired painting habits kicked in as hard as an alcoholic falling off the wagon into a beer-fest where beer cures cancer and multiple layers of dry brushing, regular paint detailing and speed paints used as washes ensued for a few many more hours than I can in good conscious call a 'quick paint' ( and yes... I also confess to 2nd degree aggravated use of  GM's Agrax Earth shade and Nuln oil) .  I chased a moderately rusted look, and desaturated colors aimed to reflect these Hell Knights do not return to base for an armor polish and a shower, but they ain't falling apart from ill repair  any time soon.

Rust and weathering, many are the techniques and tools and products to make a mini look abused or ancient, and it seems many are the rusty lessons I must learn to well serve many of the minis in my queue.  Happily I found that a dry brush of Vallejo 'Orange Fire' game colour dry brush over a metallic based pre-treated with a layer or two of speed paint browns provides me a satisfying rusty orange that I can confidently use to succeed the role of my ancient pot of old 90's Citadel Orange Ink in my rusty endeavours. 

Trench Crusade, another game for more minis and a deepening of the back log of grey to slay, a happy problem to have!

Total 21 Points

x3 40mm Foot Figure, Trench Crusade Hell Knights (3x7pts) 


Trench Crusade is certainly building up quite the following isnt it! Is is rather neat looking, but IS a bit lacking in Turnips and rooty goodness, which cold quite add to the appeal, just saying...

Your Hell Knights look good Steve, and I quite like the effect the layer of Orange provides too

- Paul


  1. I am completely at sea with this whole Trench Crusade thing, but great work!

  2. I don't know who they are but they look splendid!
    Best Iain

  3. Love these! Still, I'm with Paul in feeling that they lack the spirit of the common root vegetable.

  4. Superbly done. I bought in on the TC KS getting just the rulebook, and thinking i was so good not getting the warbands - now have fomo seeing these. And I'm right with you on the misusing slapchop and speedpaint. You're not alone at the beerfest, and nothing wrong with that! :-)

  5. Not sure about the TC thing, but these look excellent. Well done.

  6. Excellent painting on these Hell Knights Steve, and yes that how it goes. I myself had plans to paint some 30K figures this year but get sidetracked by other stuff continously!

  7. Not my bag, but they look superb!!!

  8. These look really cool, nice work

  9. Great stuff, ugly chaps those
