Tuesday, 4 February 2025

TomL, More CSA & a visit to Heresy - 160 points

Continuing on our tour of Dante's great work, we move next to the 6th level of the Abyss - Heresy.  Who better to break with the accepted, shatter conventions, point out heresy whilst mocking their subject in an amusing manner than Monty Python? I submit the Spanish inquisition with a mace!  Bet you didn't expect that...

Of course I had to paint the comfy chair:

Back to my historical project with another CSA Regiment - 7th LA:

As before CSA troops were base painted with GW contrast paints and details finished with various acrylic paints. The Victoria Lamb figures were painted using Two Thin Coats acrylics.  The final orange highlight was a bit chalky so I washed it with some GW Orange Ink from last century (hidden in the back the paint storage). Amazing how long those inks have lasted in a different bottle. The comfy chair is a free 3D print download a friend was kind enough to print for me.

Points total: 160 points.
Heresy - 20 points
4 28mm figures @ 5 = 20 points
60 15mm figures @ 2 = 120 points


When I agree to Minion this year I didnt expect the Spanish Inquisition! Didnt really see the rest of your submission as I was laughing and dodging the comfy pillows. Well played indeed Tom!!!

- Paul


  1. Excellent - I loved the Spanish Inquisition set .

  2. Agree well done - I'd love to get that set

    1. Victoria lamb’s website has a 3d option for downloading the set is it’s not cost effective to buy the lead.

  3. Terrific work Tom! The Inquisitor's robes look ace. I have some of those very same inks in my collection and marvel that they're still viable. It's like they've purposefully created bottles that are designed to drip, spill and/or dry-out the contents.

  4. Always love the Cardinal - and the lady in the chair is a special one.

  5. Indeed, well played. I painted those last year for the challenge. Great little minis. The yanks are great once again.

  6. such a great post the figures are so nicely painted

  7. Absolutely love the Spanish Inquisition! Great red you’ve got on them..

  8. Well I certainly did jot expect the Spanish Inquisition (to turn up so well painted!) ;-p

  9. Excellent work Tom, love the Monty Python figures, the Rebs look pretty cool too!!

  10. Thanks all. It was fun to paint something other than blue and grey. 😂

  11. Fabulous entry Tim, loving those inquisitors, ACW is great also
