Monday, 10 March 2025

From KerryT: "Oh what a night"....Victrix Medieval Knights (180 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

Well, with the sun shining late this afternoon there's a chance that the PVA will dry and allow me to finish this entry.

I've tried to stay on track this week by completing more cavalry, this time Medieval but somewhat generic.

Victrix Knights

I've mentioned in a previous post that I've wandered somewhat aimlessly through the Medieval period, starting off by painting figures for the Barons War and will end up eventually with the War of the Roses.

Along the way there'll be Welsh and Scottish units to battle the English who'll also scrap with the French. I suppose the main focus will on the Hundred Years War, particularly early on.

Therefore needing a quantity of mounted knights and well before I bought my resin printer I bought some of the plastic medieval knights sold by Victrix. At the time I really wasn't sure what I was going to do with them and also bought the available shield transfers.

The figures really are very nice and give a good sense of the movement in a charge and there are lots of variations with 6 charging horse types

I put them together ages ago, well before the challenge and had undercoated them black as I would normally do. The shield transfers though need a white background and a subsequent second undercoat in white followed. Unfortunately this needed to be repeated in several coats and has left me with the feeling that I have spent ages painting these.

Not being a great modeler I found the process of cutting and applying the transfers a little difficult and tedious which took away some enjoyment of completing these figures

This coupled with the need to match the horse type to the individual matching transfers and also to the horses' caparison further constrained the freedom to do what I had wanted

There's a nice mix of heraldry in the designs

On reflection now I think if I bought more I'd probably paint the riders before mounting them and probably also paint the underside of the horses and the inside of the caparisons before mounting them on bottle tops for ease of access.

Unfortunately some of the gloss on the transfers shines through, I'll have to do something about that

Attempting to ride down some Scottish painted earlier in the challenge

Hold, hold, hold

That all sounds more negative that I indented it to sound, don't get me wrong these are lovely figures and superb value for a box of 18. Because they're a tiny bit bigger than other ranges I felt it best to mount 3 of them on bases with a depth of 8cms rather than my usual 6 x6. This is something I would certainly consider again as it does give them a better line of charge effect.

Here are a few pictures that show the various transfers and unfortunately in these pictures you can see the hurried paint jobs on some of these!

I'm not sure that I'll buy any more of these even though I do like them, I'll see how I get on with - I think the rush of painting and basing them has detracted a little from the usual enjoyment. Perhaps I should give them another try, without rushing this time and maybe aim for particular individual or named heraldic shields

Thank you once again for looking

In Summary then

18 x 28mm mounted knights @ 10 points -= 180 points

1 Squirrel

90 can opener side challenge points


From Millsy:

Brilliant work Kerry!

There's something so very engaging about a group of charging knights, especially when they are each painted differently. It accentuates the sense of dynamism when you can pick out each miniature so clearly and see the flowing caparisons on the horses and the matching tabards on the knights.

No wonder your were wondering at the effort required last week when you mentioned these were undercoated black. The brightness of the colours must have taken a LOT of work but the results speak for themselves.

180 points added to your tally mate.



  1. These are really so fabulous Kerry. Bright and colourful painting that adds to the dynamism of the sculpts. Lovely.

  2. Tremendous work as usual Kerry.

    I do find the Victrix stuff to be too tall to mix with other figures...but they look brilliant on their own. Well done under your brush!
