Thursday, 20 March 2025

John B: FRIDAY CREW: The Final Reel - the whole lot

Its been a great winters painting again.
I managed to exceed my target. I reached the heady heights of 529 gainst my target of 400 - both I think were more than last year although I painted more units/pieces in AHPC14.
I also yet again got distracted by the theme and again started modelling homebuilds........
NOTE TO SELF: if you want to paint more stop making models!
I got plenty of variety in this year
I suppose the big red space ship was the most satisfying - my red dwarf!
Then again I have made progress on my Schleswig Holstein Wars figures. Unfortunately a load of artillery missed the cut Martijn as my holiday break was a case of bad timing.
Last but not least I created two backgrounds for displays - as you do! Heres to AHPC16 and the challenge that keeps surprising me. Go Forth and Paint. Till next time.


  1. A fine Challenge John, well done.

  2. I really dig your scratch built space craft - they turned out great.

  3. Yep, your spaceships are ace. Well done John!

  4. Great use of the (detergent?) bottles! Very creative!

  5. I loved seeing your work John, and those spaceships are brilliant. Looking forward to seeing you in December! Perhaps then we will get some steam up after all?
