Thursday, 20 March 2025

From LeeH - It's a Wrap! : The Russian army for the Retreat from Moscow

That was probably one of the most fun Painting Challenges I have done for years. I left my 6mm comfort zone to team up with Ray for a Retreat from Moscow combo, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. My initial target was 300 points which reflected the models I had bought when the challenge started. I didn't officially increase my target but once I had breached the 300 points and had a clearer idea of what I wanted to complete I set myself a private target of reaching 1000 points. I did indeed achieve this yesterday so you can see I bought a few more figures along the way! 

I have managed to complete one, sometimes two units a week, while still keeping up with posting here on the Challenge blog, on my own blog and still getting a weekly video for my channel in on time. Time now to dial back the workload, take a deep breath and have a tidy up... my Operations Room is a complete mess and unsurprisingly there is snow everywhere

My trajectory during this challenge has been pretty consistent,
netting my third highest tally.


Musketeers / Line Infantry

3 units of Jáger skirmishers

Mounted officer

Another Musketeer / Line infantry unit

Three junior officers /  NCO's

12 Pounder Artillery and crew

Don Cossacks

Moscow and St Petersburg Opolchenie

Two mounted officers

Smolensk Dragoons

Two units of Jágers

Opolchenie 3 pounder gun & limber

Opolchenie 3 Pounder Gun Team

Cossack Opolchenie

6 Pounder Artillery piece & crew (and a Water Cart)

6 Pounder and 12 pounder Guns side by side

Water Cart

Two units of Carabineer's

Very angry peasants!


Well done to Curt and all the Minions for a terrific job on this years Challenge. As always it is a highlight of my hobby year. And congratulations to all the participants this year. Your work has been inspirational. 


  1. Great work Lee and marvellous brushwork all year on this project. Nice to see you venture away from small scale to 28mm

  2. You had a fantastic Challenge, Lee! I admire your dedication and focus, no less than your meticulous painting and originality. Absolutely well done! And you know that you CAN have smaller 28mm projects, right? I’m afraid you cannot use the “I haven’t painted 28mm for years” excuse anymore… All the same, I do look forward to your small-scale projects. See you in December (and before that on your great YouTube channel)!

    1. Thank you. I have enjoyed this 28mm project but it's not entirely over. I'm going to get more Cossacks at some point and we still have terrain to build.

  3. Excellent work Lee, a great Challenge indeed. These fellows all cause me to shiver - it's a terrific effect, and all together they look even more impressive. Great stuff.

    1. I've wanted to do this period for a long time so it's been great fun. Now Ray and I need to plan a game!

  4. Great output, Lee! Your focus and quality is inspirational.

    1. Thank you, I've surprised myself this year.

  5. Crackin work all the way through, Lee!

    1. Cheers Ray. Likewise I've enjoyed watching your side of the project come together. I'm looking forward to getting both sides together for a group shot.

  6. What a great project Lee. I enjoy your channel and impressed with your ability to balance all to include gaming on the side. Well done.

  7. I really enjoyed watching this project unfold from both you and Ray. Beautiful work all around. I'm delighted you had fun with it as well.

  8. Loving all the winter basing on these very well painted models! Great work!
