Thursday, 20 March 2025

From KentG: Medieval foot sergeants and mounted knights

Well here we are at the end of another challenge 
I think this has been my favourite so far, there’s been amazing submissions 
From many many people and have been a real joy to browse through them.
Then there’s been the twice a week video painting chats which have been 
both productive and a lot of fun at the same time.
I’d like to thank our mighty minion Millsy once again doing
An amazing job.

A huge thankyou to everyone that commented on my posts
And to Curt for all you do. 

Well here we go more Wargames Atlantic minion from their
Foot sergeant’s boxset
First set is painted as William marshals retinue, where in fact he 
probably didn’t have his own.

Hubert de Burgh retinue the banner is hand painted
I have really enjoyed painting these figures. 

Lastly I decided to try and get a couple of mounted knights the other 15 
Of these are sitting on the painting desk undercoated black
The figures are victrix and they are brilliant sculpts which is why I was able to 
complete the foot today and pop out three cav no transfers all hand painted

So for the final time here are the points for this lot 
24 x 28mm foot @5pts each =120pts
3 x 28mm cavalry @10pts each = 30pts
Total 150 pts


Once again, absolutely stunning work Kent! Like many, I'm always amazed at your productivity AND quality. Astonishing really. All of these are fantastic but I have to say it's the hand-painted shields that impress me the most. Lovely work. Thank you again Kent for joining us this year - I look forward to seeing your wrap-up post and for you to be in the ranks for Challenge XVI.

- Curt



  1. Fabulous painting, Kent! The heraldry is stunning, and the overall look of your miniatures is absolutely fantastic. What a great Challenge again!

  2. Great work Kent. Those lions are top notch and I love how you used the heraldry to inspire the caparisons without copying it exactly, I wish I’d thought of that!

  3. Great looking models, well done Kent.

  4. That is beautiful work - way to finish with a bang!

  5. Beautiful work on that heraldry; great colour choices.
