Friday, 14 March 2025

From IanS: 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry (150 points)

Hi So for my second post this week we have my favourite era and scale 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry. All the figures are from Commission figures and are MDF. I have an itch that makes me look at a figure and ask the question how can i enharnce this, and so it is with these figures. I have found that adding pieces of kitchen brush for swords scabards and lances helps to bring these figures to life. I have in the past also added carbines and haybags but that was just a tad to far. so first up is a picture of what i am adding to these figures. Yes i have added a square of cardboard to the top of the shako to make a Czapka, never again!
So onto the painted guys. Two regiments of Chausseur a Cheval the 7th and 20th
The two regiments together
Next up is the 8th French Lancer regiment formerly the Vistula Lancers so Polish.
and rear view
So for the heavy guys we have the 14th Cuirassier (ex dutch Cuirassier)
again a rear view
Divisional commander
and finally the commander with the Cuirassier and Lancers
Points 147 6mm Cavalry figures at 1pt each = 147pts 150 points

Nice, Ian! Obviously, I especially appreciate you painting the 14th Cuirassiers ;-). However, I am quite impressed (and not a little bit frightened) by your conversion work on the Polish lancers. Wow, you are indeed a brave man! I am constantly amazed by how great these Commission MDF figures look when painted. In recognition of your hard work I'll round it up to make it 150 points. Well done!



  1. Great work on painting these. Taking something with such little detail and painting it so well is amazing. The beauty of the units on mass is fabulous.

  2. Nice painting. I would not have expected MDF to look this good.

  3. These are superb Ian! It's amazing how something so simple as a bristle from a brush adds so much detail. Nice work mate
