Sunday, 19 January 2025

TeemuL: The last base for 42th Highlanders (20 points)

A bit over year ago I started painting 28mm Napoleonics for the first time after getting a reasonably prized deal. My intention is to paint British for the Peninsular War and I have planned to paint one base per month as a decades long side project, ready for my retirement days. I'm bit behind that monthly schedule, but today I can present the sixth and last base for 42nd Highlander Regiment. Minis are from Victrix.

This base is a command base, two banner/flag bearers (without flags) and two commanding officers. I've been working with what I have, so the ratio of soldiers might not be exactly right, but the company isn't 24 men strong either...

I first thought that tartan would be the hardest part on these minis, but I found rather simple way for that - the pattern is quite dark, too, so it is hard to see. The most difficult part are all the white dots in the socks and hats!

I have couple of Highlander minis left, not enough for a unit, but I'll use them to make command bases crowded or something like that. I have assembled three British units next, so 72 minis, but while gluing the final backpacks and heads, I realized I had zero bases for them... I made an order to Warbases, but it is painful to order something from UK these days when living in EU. My orders to UK have dropped significantly and I try to find some resellers in EU - it is quite easy with minis, but MDF is other story. I mean of course there are MDF bases in EU, but I want Warbases MDF bases... I might be crazy or something?

Red coats, black bear fur hats and colourful kilts, some sand and other materials to make an impression of Peninsular area as I imagine it. Quite simple, but then again not.

The whole unit

There are 4 28mm minis, 5 points a piece, so 20 in total. I try to get another post ready, focusing on the themes.


I love Napoleonics! The dashing uniforms and fashions, the colourful and vibrant personalities, the sheer awesomness of the history of this period is just so darn interesting. And I don't say this just because of Curts interests. I genuinely like learning and reading French Revolutionary history and the Napoleonic Era.

Your commitment to slowly delve month by month into this era is awesome. 

BUT ... painting tartan kilts ...  madness! I do not know how you've done it, but the kilt look terrific and the whole unit together looks formidable! Well done Sir!

20 more points for you!

- Sarah

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