Sunday, 19 January 2025

From SanderS: Titus has arrived! ( 55 points)


A very persistent and nasty stomach flu that pestered all of the family and the security settings of my computer keep interfering with me participating here for real. Both Arthur and myself would like to thank everyone that replied to our posts form last week and we will answer them in time and try to reply to as many posts you guys put up here from now on. 

Last week I told you guys I was working on a post for the Limbo circle of hell, but of course I chose some Bretonnians for this who are a lot more work than I had bargained for. So I am still painting them, they are not yet finished, but I have found a little time to paint up some simple Tyranids and a Space Marine character. 

These miniatures, Space Marine hero Titus (the main character from the hugely popular Online game Space Marine II) and 10 Tyranids are part of the Limited Recruit Edition of the WH40K introduction boxed set. No, I do not play the aforementioned game, but I do play the Tacticus game on my cell with Arthur and Titus does feature there too and I really wanted to try to paint him. 

The Nids are painted in the scheme I use for my Space Hulk Genestealers as well and I like the yellow and black contrast. In between nicer paintjobs I am also painting Tyranids for a demonstration army for the club which are blue and black and I will probably paint some during the Challenge as well. But these are my personal ones.  

11 miniatures in 28mm scale is 55 points unless I am mistaken. See you all next week!

Cheers Sander


Hi Sander

So sorry you, Arthur and the rest of the family have had a stomach bug ... that can be quite nasty! Hope you are all feeling better.

I really know nothing about Space Marines, or the Nids ... but I do like your colour choices, especially on Titus. What a great shade of blue. :)

11 28mm figures = 55 points for you

See you in Limbo next week??

- Sarah


  1. Great painting in Titus and the nids. Although I think he should be charging them not running away. 😄

    1. Righto, yet he is an Ultrasmurf isn't he?!

  2. Glad you are on the mend. Top quality painting

  3. Get better and stay well. The blue Smurf is excellent and the bids great.

  4. Excellent work, love the Titus. I too am having issues with commenting using Firefrox. I gave up and swapped to Chrome

    1. Firefox is indeed part of the problem but the safety settings of my laptop have to be high and it limits my access to certain "social media" anyway I think I found a way round that!

  5. Hope you feel better soon Sander! That sculpt of Titus is a bit whacky...can't tell if he is ready to smite a heretic, or if he has just slipped on something...

    1. Yeah, I think I agree it's not GW's best work ever

  6. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Sandor - those tyranids are superb

    1. 🙏 thanks they were a breeze to paint compared to other figures I am doing!

  7. @ Lady Sarah, thanks for the kind words on behalf of us all. Space Marines are an acquired taste for sure 😃

  8. Very well done, Sander! The pose of that Titus fellow strikes me as a little overly dynamic, but I think you‘ve made the best of it

    1. I suppose that happens when you try to capture a posd from an online game in an actual figure...

  9. Good stuff Sander. I like the "camo effect" on Nids a lot.

    1. I have been experimenting a lot with undercoats, washes and contrast paint lately, this one of those experiments

  10. Looks great, run Titus run! I hope that you feel better soon.

    1. Cheers Peter, we arecall on the mend now, but boy it was no fun at all!

  11. Nice work mate! I like how you've highlighted all the detail e.g. scratched leather. Gives him a real sense of having seen some sh1t

    1. I watch a lot of tutorials these days and sometimes like to try them out. The leather marks were a result of this.

  12. Sorry to hear that you and your family have been suffering through a lurgy, but delighted that you're back to commenting. Wonderful work on these. I quite like the yellow and charcoal grey nids - very striking. The Titus pose is a bit, um, convoluted but you've done a magnificent job on him. Well done mon ami!

    1. Merci, mon cher ;-) yeah Titus is a bit off, but it was more a guilty pleasure but tgan a real addition to my collection. More of the good stuff is coming.

  13. Sorry to hear you've all been ill with the dreaded lurgy Sander! My daughter had the very same thing from Boxing Day onwards for nearly 2 weeks. Luckily the rest of the family escaped!!
    Some great painting never the less!

    1. Sorry to hear about your girl Ray, the festive period is the worst time to be sick. We escaped reasonably okay in the end , but it plays havoc with your schedule, both in hobby and real life responsibilities
