Sunday, 19 January 2025

From Millsy: More 28mm Arabs (60 points)

G'day All,

It's been an odd couple of weeks with a lot of stop-start stuff going on. Back to work after a month off meant the backlog was bigger than normal, and then there was commission work to knock off also taking up free time.

That meant I started but didn't finish several things. This was compounded by having real issues with a box of Gripping Beast Arab Heavy Cavalry which were really poorly made. I think the die is getting old and tired as it's the only thing that would explain the amount of flash, misfits and gaps in this kit. I've built several before and never had so much trouble with it.

First world problems aside, today I present...

Reaper Miniatures - Legends of the Sands

The Reaper Miniatures' Legends of the Sands box set is something I bought a looong time ago with this project in mind and its great to finally be getting some paint on the minis. In total there are 12 in the set and I've painted 2/3 of them for this submission.

Leading my force on foot is Sultan Suleimillsy the Ambivalent, who judging by the rather camp nature of the sculpt has more interest in things artistic than militaristic. At least he has nice threads. Stylin!

Each to their own as they say and he has plenty of well oiled muscle to do the rough stuff on his behalf, plus an evil wizard/vizier type for the ad hoc genie summoning and general magical misbehaviour.

Finally, there's a "hashashin" assassin who does the dirty work behind closed doors and stands for the Ninth Circle: Treachery bonus.

Total: 8 x 28mm minis + bonus = 60 points.

Artist: The Presets
Album: Apocalyso

Artist: Lichtmond
Album: The Journey

Artist: Sunlounger
Album: Armada Collected: Roger Shah presents...

Thanks everyone for looking and Sarah for minioning my stuff!

Hi Millsy .. or rather Suliemillsy :)

I am unfamiliar with your musical selections, but I will definitly fall down that rabbit hole tomorrow!

These Arabs are great, the colours super vibrant, especially the purple and that floral pattern has a certain whimsy which is appealing.
I can envision these characters in many game settings, from pulp to historical.

 Using the Hashashin to reach the 9th circle Treachery bonus is a great interpretation. 

Another 60 points to your score, Well done Sir!



  1. Great choice of colours suitably colourful indeed!

  2. Lots of character in these figures, nice work!

  3. Fantastic painting Millsy.

    And I agree 100% re Gripping Beast...I love their sculpts, with so much "chonk" and character, but it seems like many of the molds are in terrible shape. I'm trying to hack my way through a group of Byzantine skirmishers, and it is just awful going...

  4. Beautiful work Millsy! Love the patterned tunic

  5. Wonderful work Millsy. Very Sinbad!

  6. "Nice skull!"
    "Thanks, found it on Etsy."
    Suitably splendid sultan there, Millsy, and a terrific entourage as well!

  7. Great work Millsy and Kudos on painting the biggest sword we've seen in the challenge so far!
