Wednesday, 1 February 2017

From RossM : A Wagon and some 20mm WWII Vehicles (70 Points)

Here is the third entry to this year's challenge which comprises of a mixed range of vehicles, periods and scales.

First up is a lowly horse drawn cart which is has no horse. This is from 4Ground (?) in 28mm and was a great kit to both build and paint. Painted in a similar manner as the previous cart and perhaps if time allows there will be the opportunity to Paint your Wagon.

Next are five 20mm Allied vehicles from WWII including two jeeps, two MK II Universal Carriers and a MK I Bren Carrier.

One jeep is from Frontline Wargames (Foreground model) and the other from SHQ (Rear model) in the picture above. The SHQ model is far clear and over a better piece to paint; that age old argument of metal versus resin models. Truth be told both are perfectly suitable for their intended use.

Next are the carriers which are three of a total of ten that will be painted in this years challenge.  All shown with divisional markings on for the 11th Armoured Division, which may not be technically true for the MK I. Not sure on that so anyone with the correct information please pass it on.

All of the WW II vehicle started of with a base coat of Humbrol Olive spray. They were then painted in Dark Olive from Coat d'Arms and washed the Nuln Oil. In truth this is too dark for the colour looked for, however, the decision was made to leave these five as is and look to change the others in the next few days.

The final stages of painting involved dry brushing the vehicles with Coat d'Arms Olive and light Olive to the final highlights.

The tracks start of black then painted in Vallejo Flat Brown, wet brushed Vallejo Cavalry Brown and then dry brushed with a dark steel colour.

More transfers in the post.

There are more decals in the post for the other carriers and if there are enough, will go back and add a few extra to the rears of these.

Any comments greatly appreciated.

Cheers for now

ByronM: Great post Ross!  You remind me that I really should build my wagon....  But, back to your figures.  Very nice looking cart there, and even better looking little jeeps and carriers.   The painting looks clean and neat and you did a good job with the decals (no silvering).  Since you asked for comments, the only thing that I would really change or add is that I think they need a little weathering.  You don't need to go nuts with chipping or rust or anything, but just some of that dirt colour from the tracks and wheels up onto the chassis and skirts.  They look too clean to me, but then I always overdo it, so what do I know!


  1. They all look very sharp, Ross! Although cleaning looking in the photos, I rather like the vicks as without the crew they would be great objectives or stage dressing for battlefields.

  2. Nice cart and jeeps and Carriers. I mean no disrespect when I say this as the only thing I would change is the wheels on the front of the carriers should have a black edge. (The rubber). Personally I would either paint it in or weather the wheels on the front deck so it cannot be seem.

    That is not a criticism, I am just trying to help make them even better. Only a rivet counting tread head (like me) will ever know so if it is alt all tricky don't do it. But they do look spot on in all other respects.

    1. Points taken for the next batch.

      Cheers, Ross

  3. I think they look great, the shading on the vehicles is very well done.

  4. Great looking vehicles, Ross!

  5. The regimental transport pool looks spot on!

  6. Very nice wood effect on that wagon- but I prefer the Simpsons version!

    1. Thanks. Agreed on the Simpsons' wagon ☺
