Wednesday 1 February 2017

From TeemuL: Odd Nazis (15 points)

We all know Wednesday is not Monday, but still my entry today is a bit small.

I was happily working on with more models and preparing my West Bonus Round entry, when Monday morning I realized, the next Bonus round is Home Terrain, not West. So I had to drop everything else and focus on the Terrain. I hope I can finish it and then finish some more stuff for next week, which isn't easy: From Friday to Sunday I'm in the cabin in the middle of nowhere next to a frozen lake with friends, beer, boardgames and sauna.

But let's focus for a while on things that I have actually managed to do. Three nazis this week from Crooked Dice. I painted the same sculpts late last year for other painting challenge, theme was Contrast. There are different ways of doing contrast, but I decided to make the contrast between the white collar shirt and camouflage trousers. Looks a bit stupid maybe, but I think that's exactly something an alternative history nazi might do. The camouflage pattern is based on my imagination and the idea was to show, that there is a camouflage and at the same time keep the model and details visible.

There has been some discussion about painting white during this (and past) challenge. This time I started with white. Then I gave the shirts a thinned down blue ink wash. Then layering with white again trying to leave a bit blue in the recesses. Idea here is to get some coldness on the shirts, a small blue hint like being outside under the sky. The white paint was a bit too thick on some areas, but in general it worked quite well.

Closeup, better light
On the armbands I tested some orange highlight on the edges, it worked quite well, too. The faces are bit flat and lifeless, but some of the eyes worked out nicely (again using the Ushbati Bone instead of pure white). The light condition are not very good here in Finland (as are not spraying outside conditions either), but I tried my best without flash.

All six
That's three 25mm figures for 15 points.

ByronM: Good stuff Teemu and the eyes came our really well, which is hard to do, too often they look cartoony, these look good though.  Many people don't paint eyes, and it's an opinion thing, but to me without eyes (well painted or poorly painted) a figure just doesn't look finished.   The blue definitely gives a cold look, and I like the face of the closeup a lot and would not say it looks flat at all, good work.


  1. Nice work Teemu - the white comes out really well :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin! Today it was quality over quantity.

  2. Very nice, Teemu! The faces are very well done!
    These fellows look perfect for evil minions of weird war or pulp adventures.

  3. Brilliant eyes I wish I could paint them as well as that. very nice

    1. Eyes are probably half practice, half luck. Ushbati Bone spot and then a black point with a small and sharp brush.

  4. Replies
    1. I agree, they have a certain 'Boys from Brazil' Central Casting look about them. Great work Teemu!

  5. I too am liking the eyes, more skill involved than you give yourself credit for me thinks


  6. Excellent work, Teemu - blue wash for white works a treat!

    1. Yeah, I think it gives a cleaner result than for example starting to layer from grey. Both have they uses, I think blue is better for these.

  7. I agree these guys look quite sinister. Nice work!
