Thursday, 16 January 2020

From AndrewE - Afrika Korp 28mm reinforcements - 58pts

I recently purchased a beautifully painted 28mm WW2 Afrika Korp (DAK) to provide the foil for my Australian Desert army.  One of the challenges of getting an army that is painted by someone else is trying to match their paint scheme and techniques in order to add models to the army.  Looking through a few different articles on how people have painted DAK, I settled on a common theme or style across them all.  I really love the colour scheme of the DAK and find using them quite different to the “standard” Germans that you see (no assault rifles, low SMG count, no panzerfaust\shreks).

To add some flexibility to the selection of models, I have painted up 4 additional DAK with rifles and an additional DAK with the dreaded MG42. 

To add some heavy punch to the army I have also painted a medium artillery piece with 4 crew and spotter.  This adds some much needed HE punch to the list (that is not an 88).

Overall I was happy with how they turned out, and fairly happy with how they matched the existing models.  The only part that I felt I had not quite nailed is the basing – partly as I did not quite get the same material used, but also as it is not a scheme I would have picked on my own.  On the positive, it is good to try something else and get out of a “this is how I always do bases”.

Now to find some of those dastardly Aussies.....

Very nice work on these, the artillery crew are especially cool. Prone figs only score 1/2 points


  1. Great work Andrew! Wow, they look really sharp.

  2. Nice work on your first entry Andrew :)

  3. Awesome work mate, they look great! I hope they do the job down at Cancon.

  4. Great work Andrew, the gun is really nice.

  5. Really nice DAK! Love the artillery piece!
    Best Iain

  6. Very nice brushwork Andrew. Welcome to Challenge X!

  7. Very well done! Excellent painting and superb basing.

  8. Thanks for the feedback. I'm pretty chuffed with how they have turned out. It seems my photography needs some work though.
