Thursday 16 January 2020

Thursday's Minion Ready

After the internet induced rest day last week, both frustrating and liberating, I'm back and ready to rock. Let's see what Thursday has in store. Remember to say when your posts are ready. Note that I'm working tomorrow and going to an evening lecture on Polyhalite mining in North Yorkshire it's a very big, very deep hole that will provide fertiliser to the planet. Geology is not all nose to the grindstone (a sedimentary rock), so posting will occur randomly when I can sneak off.

Ladies, Gentlemen and Ray "Pike up thy brushes"


  1. Have fun, and don't break your internet again! :)

    1. having an exasperating morning at work so I have run off and hid

    2. I do that ALL the time. I call it 'managerial re-composure'. Have fun!!
