Thursday, 16 January 2020

From TeemuL: Danger 5 (25 points)

Some progress again, this time fabulous miniatures from Crooked Dice. There's rest of the Danger 5 starter set (I painted the first 5 on previous Challenge) and two extra miniatures - they are those which they add every now and then to your order, when they have a campaign. So in total there are 5 models this time.

Here's the Danger 5 set, Colonel Chestbridge, Hitler and Blondi/Hitler’s Dog. I guess I could have technically use Blondi on Sarah's Balloon to get out of the Atol to somewhere which doesn't require ships or something nautical, but I don't believe she likes to fly, so I figure out something else. Blondi was rather easy to paint, just dark brown contrast and then some drybrushing to the belly and picking up the nose and eyes and stuff. Hitler was almost as simple, since most of him is painted with black contrast, just the head, shirt, hands and red ribbon after that. Colonel Chestbridge is the most colorful chap in this group, but nothing spectacular there either.

Hitler has mustache, of course. I believe that was a thing Challenge or two ago...

I like how the flask looks like, that white bit is paint, not a reflection.

Here are the two extras, Time Lift Security guy with a gun and a scientist holding a flask. I used similar blues and greys on these as with the Danger 5 people, so it is easier to tie them together narrative wise, if needed. More colors used on these and more time spent, but rather simple in the end (one could argue about painting the eyes on this scale, but...)

Here's the whole Danger 5 starter set together.

So, 5 28mm miniatures, 25 points, please.

These are supercool, esp chickhead. Top piece of work


  1. Nicely done Teemu...but I must have missed something in the background story on the posting. What's the story behind the fellow with the bird head?? I am very intrigued...

    1. Me too! What's the story. Love Chestbridge and the scientist.

    2. Actually I'm not that familiar with the story, I haven't (yet) watched the TV show... :| But Chestbridge is the leader of the group and the dog looks like is giving a finger.

  2. Very interesting set. Love the dog

  3. Odd and lovely assortment. GregB asked my question. Is the dog giving someone the finger?

  4. Nice work on some odd subject matter ;)

  5. Interesting looking group. Nice painting.

  6. Goodly stuff. What's in the flask? ;)

  7. Nice looking weird bunch!
    Best Iain

  8. I love Danger 5! Chestbridge’s head is never explained.

  9. Australian TV entertainment at its finest - lovely work, Teemu!
