Friday 7 February 2020

From AdamC - US Navy Quasi-War for Black Seas (40 Points)

Three new United States Ships ready for service against French (or whatever navy my friends decide to build).

To the right and left are a pair of brigs while the center ship is a conversion a ship rigged sloop of war.

The Brigs were a work horse ship for Convoy escort, anti-piracy and commerce raiding in the period. There rig gave them the ability to sail closer to the wind than ship-rigged vessels but also made them faster than for-aft rigged ships when running with the wind.  These could represent the USS Norfolk or USS August or any of a number of similar ships used during the Quasi-War or War of 1812.  They can also work as small merchants since brigs were

This ship-rigged Sloop of war is a conversion used by taking two brigs and gluing them together. It has 22 guns making just qualify as a 6th rate under royal navy and game rules.  It’s a sloop rather than a frigate because all the guns are on the spar deck.

The masts were tricky I used a Brig for mast as the main mast, but I am not entirely happy with the results since I had to use some spear pieces to make it taller than the mizzen and foremast.  I used a bit of wood to brace the connecting point. It looks a little like repairs have been made, it works.  She'll probably serve as the USS Delaware .

I now have a fair little squadron of US ships.  Points Brigs are 10 Points each, I think the sloop of war should probably be 15 points considering its larger size and the conversion work giving me 25 points.  The Sloop has three flags and the Brigs each have two I'll let our stewardess judge how many points if any to add.

I have to say, Adam, that you really come into your own when painting ships. Lovely work on this trio. However, your maths is slightly off:  2 x 10 plus 1 x 15 = 35 points, plus the flags and conversion.



  1. Math has never been my strong suite :)
    Thanks very much Tamsin.

  2. I love the US B&W colour scheme. Nicely done, Adam!

    1. I agree it looks realy sharp! Its harder to paint than the more colorful French Yellow and Blue.

  3. More great looking ships/brigs! Very nice!
    Best Iain

  4. A gorgeous little fleet Adam, the table looks really good!

  5. Your flotilla is coming along nicely Adam. Good work, especially on the brig to sloop conversion.

  6. This year's Challenge is definitely shaping up as the year of the Obscure Naval War... Really excellent work, Adam!

  7. Great conversions Adam - these ships look fantastic! I'm always in awe of people who possess the dexterity and patience for rigging.
