Friday 7 February 2020

From MartinC - These aren't the Greeks you are looking for (60pts)

Cringing in terror, and the shocking bad breath, from the Snowlord I dived to the very bottom of the Lead Mountain and found my Archaeans. Mixed in with them were some Macedonians so I thought I'd practice on them, so that the Snowlord was proud of his tribute.
These are Foundry and I picked them up at the Border Reivers show years and years ago

The bronze has come out too shiny on the pictures and as I wasn't paying attention they have bronze not iron spears. Still overall they are OK

Scores on the doors

11x28mm infantry plus hand painted shields = 55+

You had me all confused at first, marking the post "Ready for Curt" - I thought it must be your Snowlord's Peak challenge piece. Which is why I didn't mention it in my list of scheduled entertainments.

Anyway, enough of that blather. Very nice work on these ancient Greeks - I'm giving you  few bonus points for the hand-painted shield designs.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice Greeks Martin, love the shields. Now where are the Achaeens we are looking for?

    1. They will be along next week - drunk tonight, working tomorrow and gaming on Sunday. There are loads and may have to come in 2 waves

  3. Very nice Argyraspides, Martin. Handpainted shields particularly impressive.

  4. Lovely looking Greeks!
    Best Iain

  5. Good looking bunch Martin, can't go wrong with a good Hoplite block!

    1. Do like a good bunch of spears, good for stabbing hands

  6. Beware of Greeks bearing spears? very nice work - and bronze is the PROPER material for weapons, none of this new-fangled Dorian stuff!

  7. Nice job on these Martin. 11 seems a strange unit size.

    1. cheers, yes don't you just love prime numbers. I have some more already done but there are 12 of them so that is no help
