Saturday 7 March 2020

From AlexS: Wild West (125 pts)

Hello to everyone! My name is Alex and I love great projects. Last year, I started doing a big project, Wild Wild West, in which cowboys confront Cthulhu and other ancient nightmares. I did terrain and painted miniatures, and the call perfectly helped me in this. This year I made a small addition to this project - three buildings, a monk, cowboys and Indians.

I especially drew attention to the war paint of horses. It does not coincide with the historical one, but it looks great. These horses are truly fighting friends of the Indians.

I made two buildings myself, and the church - factory production. It turned out better, but I believe that I myself will make such terrane from clay and sticks. In general, a very good addition came out. I am pleased that thanks to the event I got these buildings and miniatures.

terrain - 40 points
9 inf 28mm - 45 points
4 cav 28mm - 40
total - 135 points

Once again a lovely collection of terrain Alex!  I love how you manage to grab seemingly random junk and make great looking terrain.  My only concern/question is where on earth do you keep it all???  I have a hard time keeping even 25% of what I would like to, and the wife is STILL on my case about how much I have!!!



  1. Nice Wild West figures and buildings Alex. :)

  2. Wonderful work Alex! I love your bespoke buildings. Now, we need to see some scary Lovecraftian Wild West monsters for this project. :)

  3. Lovely buildings and figures!
    Best Iain

  4. Well done that man! Cool buildings!
