Saturday 7 March 2020

From StephenS: Cartheginians... when will it end? (60 points)


Many moons ago a gaming buddy and I decided to play out some classic ancient battles - Rome against Carthage. We decided on the Basic Impetus rule set and then got to collecting and painting. My buddy, as is his want, produced a beautiful Roman force in what seemed like an afternoon. Then before I had got mine completed (almost 12 months later), he had doubled it so we could play larger battles. So, I needed to double my force. Then just as I finished, the second edition rule set landed. My army list had been revised. Units had been added. I needed to paint more models to field a legal force. I needed to paint them twice to field the double sized force. It has been 5 years and I'm still painting Carthaginians...

The first of the new reinforcements is some Spanish scutarii, eager to assist Hannibal in his quest to destroy Rome. They're 28 mm metals miniatures from Warlord Games.

Next are two units of skirmishers, also 28 mm metals from Warlord Games.

All up that is 12 x 28 mm figures for 60 points.

The good news is I only have three more units to paint up, so I should be finished in time for the next edition to drop...  =)



These are some great looking figures Stephen and I really like the basing as well.  I find that I am drawn more and more to systems that keep figures based in groups for anything other than skirmish combat, it makes it so much easier to move units around.

As for your painting, I love the bright crisp reds and the deep shadows on your figs, great work!

- ByronM


  1. Lovely Carthos you have there Stephen. :)

  2. Wow, great looking Carthaginians, Stephen! I hope you can keep ahead of the 'version creep'. Look on the bright side: You'll have a project ready and waiting for future painting challenges. :)

  3. Lovely looking Carthaginians! The scutari are splendid and nice basing!
    Best Iain

  4. Great Carthaginians and love the base work, it really rocks.
