Saturday 7 March 2020

From SanderS: "From the fury of the Northmen deliver us..." at Hawkins' Hill (105 pts)


Since my vacation has ended last Monday, painting time is more limited. I did try to get some stuff done however and  therefore I have tried to finish two Challenge Island entries as soon as possible. One is the contribution for Hawkins'Hill

Silly really how much figures that I prepped for earlier Challenges are still in the cue! Hawkins'Hill is the place to be since here your entry needs to be prepped pre Challenge 7.
Perhaps you guys can remember me listing some characters from the Stronghold Terrain Saga series that features Famous Vikings? Well at that time I had bought two sets from the firm at the Crisis; one for my brother who is a great fan of the series and one for myself. The figures I painted back then were my brother's set.

Curt liked them a lot so I decided to choose my Ragnar as the Curtgeld for that Challenge. Curt implied he liked Floki better so I took my spare Floki figure and painted that up for him as well. That left me with an incomplete set and my interest in painting them waned. The TV series has progressed into season 5 or is it 6 already? and more characters were added to the Stronghold range. So last Crisis I replaced the missing figures from my set and bought some additional ones.

So here are the Vikings from Challenge 6 (my original Lagertha, Björn and Rollo added to by Ragnar and Floki and some others as well!

 Ragnar (to the left) and Floki. While I am happy with the overall look, bungled up the tattoos on Ragnars head and Floki's eye-make-up so I left the tattoos off and redid the facial make-up trice...

Rollo (to the left) and Björn.

The most famous Shieldmaiden of all: Lagertha, sadly I painted he face resembling Madge Simpson... 

Stronghold seems to work together with Brother Vini on this range and the two shieldmaidens on the left are from their combined range. Right of them are Athelstan the monk and the Viking mage known only as "The Seer"

Stronghold also has some Saga civilian sets and the four figures from the left are from one of those sets. The two figures to the right are complementary figures I received in my package.

A casualty marker:

The mede-drinking guy to the right looks like a Jomsviking to me but he's a 
nice addition to any table.

There are still some other characters from the series prepped for painting but I am not sure I will be able to finish them within the time left for the Challenge.
I believe points wise these figures will bring me 15 x 5 =75 plus 30 from the Challenge bonus is 105 points.

You are not alone Sander, I have tons of things prepped from past challenges that are still sitting there with only primer on them....  I am sure most of the entrants do <sigh>....

As for your figures, I love them.  They have a ton of character to them and your colour choices are really great. The mix of colours between the different figures really makes them look right.

Now I want to go paint my vikings....



  1. These look great Sander. I'm inspired to get me some of the shieldmaidens from the range.

    1. They are really excellent models, I just wished the faces were a bit more pronounced they are very smooth...

  2. Great work Sander and I'm delighted that you managed to complete the full set. BTW, I still love my Ragnar and Floki. :)

    1. Great to hear you still appreciate the dynamic duo Curt! Yes the set is done but there's a lot more to come: I have all the Sons of Ragnar including a mature Björn, there's Bisshop Heahmund and Halfdan and Harald and Torvi and Porunn awaiting a bit of paint still.

  3. Super looking collection of Vikings!
    Best Iain

  4. Great northmen Sander. I especially like the shield maiden. Great that you got them finished.

    1. Cheers Peter, yeah well I really liked the banner Dagmar is bearing as well so I knew I just had to get some.

  5. Very nice Sander, these are great renditions of our heroes.

    1. Thanks, yes they are great miniatures and I am pleased with how I was able to paint them. They're just wargames standard, mind you, nothing fancy. But good enough for me.

  6. Nice work; they are certainly recognisable!
