Saturday 9 January 2021

From SanderS and ArthurS: Chamber of Traps (25 points)

 Hoi There,

When I asked Curt to help motivate me to get all my Heroquest stuff done this Challenge I could not have imagned he would put the bonusrounds in an entirely Heroquest theme for me! ;-P

No seriously, this Chambers of Challenge gives me an excuse to paint up all the stuff I have lying around for Heroquest. At the last Crisis event in Antwerp I obtained a Terrain crate Dungeon thingy with loads of cool pieces for a dungeon terrain. There's a few traps in there as wel so lucky me.

Arthur wanted to paint something as well so I let him choose on of the traps. He ended up with the spear trap and just had to include a bit of his trusted brick red in there hence the red skull.

Just those traps on their own is a bit too small of an entry so I also painted up so doors I had printed on my Ender 3 (before it died on me) and more terrain pieces from the Crate depicting stuff that could function as a trap. Lift the crown from the pedestal and a giant boulder comes rolling down. Pull the sword from the stone and the ceiling comes down. Look in the mirror and get sucked into a different dimension and so on!

There's also two "blockage" markers for HQ you need a 1 square and a 2 square blockage and fortunately they were in the box as well.

To be honest I have no idea what amount of points this should gain me. 


Painting this lot was very easy and fast so I am guessing 5 points for the lot is enough together with the 20 for the Chamber. Perhaps Arthur could be awarded with 15 and myself with 10?

Cheers Sander


  1. Sander this all looks great. I'll foward to seeing how this all turns out. Keep on and the Boss!!! BruceR

  2. Great looking collection of dungeon paraphernalia!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, I like adding these bobs and bits to the dungeon.

  3. Very well done the both of you! This'll make any dungeon adventurer quiver in shock and terror

  4. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the hero quest. I’ve scored this as 3 28mm minis, and split the room bonus, so 15 and 20.

    1. Thanks mate, you're way to generous! I will aim at entering more easily scorable stuff from now on ;-)

  5. Some great looking bits and Bob's!

  6. Great items! ..and another 10 pts for the song!

    1. Lol! Yeah the title of the song is self explanatory but it's one of the few songs by Bruce I like :-p

  7. Great bunch of Traps, good work Sander and Arthur

  8. Very useful scenic elements for any dungeon crawl. Well done both of you.

    1. Cheers Stuart, yeah they will come in handy!

  9. Someone's been clearing their "to paint" box out 😄 great job
    Regards KenR
