Saturday 9 January 2021

From Dallas: Ghouls in the Larder! (30 points)

I'm not ashamed to say that the Larder has been troubling me... who buys models of food, or of people eating, for wargames??? Then I saw some other posters with a good idea, and shamelessly stole it... 

It took a little while to find these guys in my storage room but here they are...

...and they painted up quite quickly, to match the two others I already had in my Warhammer Fantasy Battle "Vampire Counts" army. As you can see I did I minor conversion to suit the "eating" theme, dremeling out the rock in the ghoul's left hand and replacing it with a severed head that had been hanging around my kitchen in the pen tray (!). Of course a severed human head is a reasonable (and obvious) snack for a flesh-eating ghoul. 

Some "adult themes" here... pretty racy for GW.

I really think this model bears a striking resemblance to a certain US President's personal lawyer! *cough*RUDY*cough*

Here are the two new models with their previously painted comrades.

So with the Larder completed I can leave Level 1 of the dungeon and move on to Level 2... damn you Mike F!!!


  1. I’ll pass on that diner. Great work.

  2. I always like seeing some older models get some love and the conversion definitely adds to the theme. Lovely work!

  3. Nom, nom, nom... Great work Dal. Someday it would be wonderful to see your Vampire Count army out for an Old School Warhammer foray.

  4. Excellent progress on the challenge. Just a few more chambers!

  5. You've painted these up truly well, they really look the part.

  6. Hey Rudy looks great! Excellent finish!
    Best Iain

  7. I'm fairly certain any ghouls reading this would be offended by your comparison.
    Great work on these two.

  8. Classic Oldhammer 👍
    Regards KenR
