Thursday 17 February 2022

From DaveS: More Florentines (120pts)

So I missed the posting deadline last weeek, which means that I have 2 weeks worth of models today, although the rate of posting has slowed significantly due to work commitments.

First up, we have the first of 2 units of Landsknechts, which will together from a Pike Block for BI2.

These have followed my theme of them probably being a bit more colourful than was strictly necessary, but it gives them a visual impact, especially when compared to the red and white of the City State units.

Next, we have another unit of Polearms from the State of Florence.  These were again made from bits of the Warlord Landsknecht's and Perry European Mercenaries sets.  Florence would conscript able bodied men, and issued them with Harness and Halberd or Boar Spear.  To give the impression of centrally issued equipment, I have managed to use a small range of the armoured bodies to give them a pseudo uniform appearance.  Nothing incredibly creative in their paint jobs.

This gives me another 24x28mm models, which should be an even 120pts.  It also brings me over halfway to my target of 2000pts, and only just behind schedule.

Well done on reaching 1000 points! I'm confident you'll make your goal. I like how your Landsknechts contrast with the more uniform Florentines.



  1. Wonderful! Some fantastic heads in that Warlord set.

  2. Nice job, Dave! The semi-uniform looks good.

  3. Great work Dave, well done.

  4. Nice pike blocks ... these will look great on the table.

    Cheers Jez

  5. Great looking landsknechts and militia!
    Best Iain

  6. Colourful and brave looking troops. Anything associated with Firenze gets my vote.
    Cheers, MikeP
