Wednesday 16 February 2022

From RayR - Three in one Xanth, Mars and Sarah's Yacht (75 points)


For my visit to Xanth,(another planet that I had to look up) I'm using the tag, A Unique Talent.
During my 3rd spell with covid, when I was locked in my shed for a week, I re-watched The Last Kingdom on Netflix, amongst other things. 

I already had Col Bill's Aethelflaed figure, which I planned to paint as a gift for my Dad. So thought it'd be a good entry into the bonus round.

I used the colours in this stain glass window to paint her up, I was going to go for all white, but I think this colour scheme looks better?

Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (c. 870 – 12 June 918) ruled Mercia in the midlands from 911 until her death. She was the eldest daughter of Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and his wife Ealhswith.
Æthelred's husband died in 911 and Æthelflæd then ruled Mercia as Lady of the Mercians. The accession of a female ruler in Mercia is described by the historian Ian Walker as "one of the most unique events in early medieval history". Hence the Unique Talent.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

Figure 2 in this post and I've flown from Xanth to Mars, here I'll use the Tagline "Gods of War"

My original plan was to paint a figure of Ares, the Greek God of war, but Wargames Foundry had sold out of the pack. So I opted for a different Foundry pack and went with a Greek hero instead, Achilles.

Achilles was the son of Peleus, a Greek king, and Thetis, a sea nymph or goddess.

Zeus, the king of the gods and Poseidon, god of the sea, had both fallen in love with Thetis and were rivals for her hand in marriage. However, the gods were warned of a prophecy that Thetis would have a son who would grow up to be greater than his father. Worried by this, Zeus arranged for Thetis to marry a mortal man so that her child couldn’t challenge his power. In another version of the story, Thetis rejects Zeus’s advances and a furious Zeus decrees that she will never marry a god. Either way, Thetis ends up married to the mortal Peleus and Achilles is born.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

My last figure in the post, I'm catching a lift on Sarah's Star Yacht from Mars to Krypton.

This figure comes from North Star's 1672 range and is one of their figures in pack GS43- Civilian Party

Lady Sarah will enter the giant Donnybrook civilian box, to sit amongst the other million figures I've already painted up, hoping that one day she will be used in a game........any game!!!

So I've only Krypton to go, then I can enter the Challenge XII  Sun.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

So that's a total of  75pts
Not bad for 3 figures ah Greg?
Clearly I should open an accounting firm called "The Wednesday Crew", as they continue to squeeze multiple points out of hardly any figures! 
Claiming the "accession" being a "unique talent" is pretty spurious - in this case, she just existed in a unique place at a unique time, leading to a unique event - that is a coincidence, not a talent...however, the stained glass is pretty cool, and if there is a unique talent in this post, it is the aggravating, Clinton-esque justifications. Bonus granted.

Achilles looks super cool, I love the paint effect on the armour, well done. And your ticket for Sarah's Star Yacht is spot on. I imagine you must have an unmatched collection of civilians and vignettes to add those really neat extras to your games Ray - as Curt says, you have a unique talent for that too!

75 points awarded...for three figures...



  1. Lady Aethelflaed is excellent! I love the stain glass inspiration.
    The Last Kingdom was one of my favourite Netflix binges and I definitely recommend to read the novels.

    1. Absolutely, the books are even better than the show.

  2. Lovely little detail on that shield boss.

    1. Thanks gawd for my magnifying glasses. It'd be a blob if not for them.

  3. I love your inspiration for the Lady Aethelflaed figure and the fact that it is a gift for your father. You’ve done such a beautiful job. Since I’m not working at the moment and have nothing but time to fill, watching The Last Kingdom has just become my plan for tomorrow! Thank you!

  4. I did like Aethelflaed in Cornwell’s series. Nice work.

  5. Well obviously I concur with the honoured people above regarding the Lady of Mercia as well as your painting: both awesome!

  6. Awesome painting, Ray! And even though you might live on the grey area regarding the planet requirements, very clever use of miniatures in order to gain some much loved points.
    Do I remember correctly, last Challenge your Snowlord's Challenge was to get a game of Donnybrook actually played? Are you scared your minion has the same trick in his sleeve? ;)

  7. The books of the last kingdom are very good, so nice to see Aethelflaed brought to life/lead!

  8. A lovely trio of very valuable figures, nice work!
    Best Iain

  9. Aethelflaed rocks! Great work on her Ray.

    Funny, in this day and age of Trump, Boris and the general right-wing ridiculousness in the world the whole 'Clinton-esque justifications' thing seems rather quaint in perspective. Carry on. :)

    1. I was going to suggest that Greg step in and take over the accounting for the Trump Organization, as I hear there's a vacancy and Greg seems ok with dodgy claims. :)
