Tuesday 27 December 2022

From StuartL - We're Going To Need A Bigger Limo - Lady Sarah's Limousine (92 Points)

Hi all,

During the previous challenge, I didn't make much use of Lady Sarah's Star Yacht until very late in the challenge. This year I have decided to make more of an effort and ride around the AHPC Studios in style. Having posted my first entry at the Under Construction part of the studio, I now need to jump all the way across the site to the World Cinema area. So, to that end, I present my first entry fee for Lady Sarah's Limousine service.

This model is a metal figure from Reaper Miniatures. If you have been following my challenge progress over the years, you will know that I have a fairly extensive collection of Reaper's plastic Bones figures from their various kickstarters. I don't have that many metal figures from them, which is a bit of a shame. Back when I started playing RPGs regularly (around 1999-2000ish), I used to pore over the Reaper catalogue of minis and dream of owning large parts of their range. Even now, their metal models are really appealing, though nowhere near as affordable as their plastics. I think I bought this figure about ten years ago and it has been languishing in my to do pile ever since.

So, I will apply for my Limo ride using this red-headed warrior. 

Speaking of red-heads (and Reaper Bones minis), what are those thunderous footsteps I am hearing?

Over the course of their kickstarters, Reaper have released quite a few giant figures and (given that they are cheap as chips), I bought a lot of them. Over Christmas, I got started on these three Fire Giants and their Lava Hound. The dog and it's handler are separate models, the chain plugs into the back of the collar and the two figures can be set-up as individuals.

Each of these figures is made from Reaper's somewhat bendy plastic. Each of them is chunky enough that it doesn't matter, but the chain whip on the guy below is very flexible, which meant that I could hold it to one side while painting.

These brutes were, honestly, a bit of a chore to paint. Some models are really easy to put a brush too and others aren't. I was about done painting these guys about 20 minutes in, but persevered to get them done. The Lava Hound was kind of fun to do, but the giants just have so much surface area to cover that they really seemed to drag.

So, how big are they? The shortest of the giants is just over 80mm tall, and the dog towers over most 28mm scale minis. Included below is a group shot showing the giants and the metal model from further up the post for scale.

By my reckoning, (subject to Snow Lord approval of course), my tally should be:
3x Monsters @20 points = 60 Points
1x 40mm Mini @7 points = 7 Points
1x 28mm Mini @5 points = 5 Points
1x Limousine Ride @20 points = 20 Points

Total = 92 Points

For my side duels, I'm going to claim 1 Squirrel Point for the Fire Giants.

My Side Duels:

Squirrels - 4
Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Dwarves, Fire Giants.

Skullz - 0

Turnips - 0

Next up, World Cinema.


Very nice work, Stuart. Reaper has been such a big champion for plastic/resin models that it's easy to forget that they had (and still have) a rather huge range of metal miniatures. The red-headed warrior is excellent, and so are the russet giants she has in tow. I especially like the Lava Hound with the effect of his heat cracked skin. As you say, I think Sarah's Limo may be a little tight hauling these folks around, but I'm sure she has a roof rack and some bungie cords to make it work.

- Curt


  1. Great work on those bendy Reapers

  2. Excellent brush work. The fire giants take me back to the early ad&d days. The Hill,Frost and fire giant adventures were excellent. I may still have them in box somewhere. Great stuff.

    1. Hmm, I may have some Frost Giants somewhere...

  3. Great wrok. Never had Reaper models, I'm from a previous role age when Citadel was the star brand

    1. Citadel made some cool stuff too, before they switched to only doing Warhammer minis.

  4. Great work with the brush, I especially like the lava effect on the hound.

    1. Thank you. Figuring out how to get the look I wanted was a lot of fun.

  5. Four great figures, Stuart One week into the Challenge and 4 squirrels, you’re on a roll! Great show!

    1. It's easy to get Squirrels early in the challenge, less repetition of entries. I'm not sure if I can maintain this pace.

  6. Splendid collection of giants - the lava hound is ace and I like the Reaper warrior woman.

  7. Well, the Limo will be a bit crowded but as the Snowlord said, with a roof rack and bungee cords and maybe duct tape everyone will be able to fit!
    The red-headed warrior is fantastic ... well done!

  8. These will make an impact!
