Wednesday 11 January 2023

From PeterB - From Adventurer to Spam - 82 points


Another week, another trip around the the studios. I'm making no promises here, but I seem to be on course for a full house here. (Something I did not intend to do when I started.) As I have said in my previous post, most of my toy soldier purchases tend to be movie inspired, so this has been quite easy just paint from my leadpile and cruise around Challenge Studios. (With apologies to the excellent service I am sure Lady Sarah's Limousine service I am sure is providing, I promise I will probably make use of which at some point before the challenge is out.)

So, after last week stopping at Under Construction studios, I discard my hard hat and stroll down down first to High Adventure where a lone figure stalks through the dead of the night in the spookiest of graveyards (are some of those gravestones wobbling?) Is he stalking a vampire, or is he a graverobber on a nefarious scheme? Well, in reality he is a a Frostgrave plastic that I have converted up to use in Dungeons and Dragons, surely the greatest of Adventures.


Yes, I know it isn't dark, but then you wouldn't see the miniature.

  Next, we cross the Yellow Brick Road and stop off at Historical Drama. Over on my blog some time ago I posted conversion rules for using the Warhammer Historical rules Legends of the Old West in a WW2 setting. As the original rules were very cinematic, my WW2 version also had a cinema leaning including Hellboy, Russian Werebears and Captain America. I had wanted to include the Howling Commandos, but I could not find any suitable models. Well, the first of the Howling Commandos has now arrived, meet Dum Dum Duggan.

 Duggan is made up of a simple plastic conversion using a head from the Great Escape Games Cowboys sprue and the rest of the parts are from Warlord games WW2 range. I had been holding out until I found a suitable bowler/mustache combination.

Then we wander over next to World Cinema and the plains of Zululand. Some of you may remember from last year I painted up two plastic Perry sets for the Zulu war (Like anyone can remember a single post from the hundreds from last year!) and so at Colours in September I had to buy this from Wargame Illustrated's Giants in Miniature range, Shaka Zulu.

The shield is plain white as on reading up, I discovered the whiter your shield is, the more important you are

And finally (as John Craven used to say for those of you of a certain age and geographical location) we stop off at the Casting Couch. Where the hero of my youngest sons army is waiting for his first starring role. Its a brief tale, so bear with me. My youngest asked Santa for something for his Space Marine army even though relatives were also purchasing him box sets already (unbeknownst to him) Now, Santa of course wanted to find something that would fit in his stocking, so Christmas morning the latest brand new Space Marine Captain in "something" armour appeared. (I honestly don't know what it is, after all Santa was the gift giver and the last time I paid proper attention to Space Marines armour was around 2002. In the post Christmas/pre new year period of time off work/school we had some time painting together but attention wandered and only some sniper marines were painted. So, he asked me to paint the Captain for him instead. I did, then he pointed out all the bits I missed, so I did some more. I'm pretty sure it is finished now. He is going to do the transfer himself (he is good at that bit).

So that is me done for this week and I have completed the green set of studios, so you all have to pay me double rent when you land on them now. ;-)

To the points.

3 x 28mm models at 5pts = 15
1 x 40mm model (Spam) at 7pts = 7
3 x studio visits at 20pts = 60

Total = 82 points.

Minion Miles: A most efficient studio tour!


  1. Good looking models Peter. And that's my kind of Challenge maths too - 22 points of painted models and 60 bonus points :-D

    1. Than you. Although my maths is terrible, it should be 4 studio visits.

  2. Wow.. nicely done there. And a good walk to boot! 🤣

  3. Dagnammit my maths was wrong. May I appeal to Miles as it was four studio visits, so should be another 20 points? (That'll teach me to write a post late at night when tired)

  4. Nice work on these varried figures. I especially like the Zulu.

    1. Thanks Peter. He has gone on my special print tray display I am so pleased with him.

  5. Great space marine story, and some lovely miniatures. I like Shaka Zulu and Duggan!

  6. Lovely stuff, Peter! Congrats on completing all the studios in the green zone! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin. I assure you it was not my original intention to make a full house, it just happened.

  7. Great stuff Peter and a quick lap too!


    1. Thanks Matt, I shall see if I can get the blue set next I guess, then build hotels on them?

  8. Great tour, I really like Dum Dum Duggan!

    1. Thanks Teemu. He was on my wish list to do for a long while.

  9. That was a quick tour! Excellent painting on all

  10. Rapid tour, nice figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Ian. Believe me, I was shocked myself that I completed the greens so early.

  11. Great varied set of figures!

  12. Thank you Barks. I am the flittiest of hobby butterflies. Wait till you see what is next!

  13. Wonderful minis and backgrounds

  14. Fabulous figures, Peter. Dum Dum is awesome! Takes me back to my Saturday comic reading days. Such a great conversion. Terrific work!
