Wednesday 15 March 2023

From TeemuL: The Last Rohans (30 points)

"Here we have more riders of Rohan, on their way to the great outdoor studio. Yes, Murin and Drar will make an appearance in the Pelennor Fields as I told you earlier. No more elfs there, though. It is about the time to take the comic-sidekick-label out of the dwarfs and show them as serious heroes who can fight and drink all night! I need to leave you for a moment, the main director of the Studio has an important announcement, most likely some fresh Oscar winners have been casted to our lovely movie! I'll be right back and then we can continue our tour."

I guess I will not achieve my points target this year, but I'm making great progress on my Ikea box. The dwarfs I finished last week and now I have the last Rohans from the box. There are still a number of lovely Mithril minis there, but I knew I won't be painting all of the during the Challenge. I'm also working on my Director's Chair entry, so I should be able to finish this Theme Target, too. But time is running out, the end of the winter is close and the points target is too much. The absences in March and the usual slacking took their toll. After this post I plan to post the Director's Chair entry and then one other post to publish the rest and give the latest (last?) updates from Murin and Drar movie.

Here we have neglected bunch of Rohans, these were left last, because they were missing parts. Earlier in the Challenge I sculpted some flags and horns and I could have done that again, but I'm out of time. These chaps are mostly missing shields, so I just filed the studs away and they will be shieldless warriors. If I want to optimize my list, I can save one point, when the shield is not included. Cunning, I know. The lonely rider is combined from two models, one had broken horse and other a broken rider, so I managed to separate them and glue the unbroken pieces together.

There are 4 models on foot and 1 mounted model, all in 28, so that would be 30 points.


Wonderful work Teemu! I like your idea of fielding these brave fellows without shields. It reflects them being shattered in combat AND as you say, it craftily shaves a few point offs for your list. I think you've had a great Challenge, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with in our final days before close.

- Curt


  1. Thanks Curt! My Challenge has been good and quite focused.

  2. Great work Teemu. I've been enjoying your progress through the Ikea Box and Middle Earth.

  3. Terrific colour choices, love the flowing green capes!

    1. Thank you Ssrah, practice makes perfect - almost! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Indeed, Tuesday can have their turnips, Wednesday for LotR!

  5. More excellent models from Middle Earth here Teemu. It has been a pleasure to share publication day with you this year. May the banter continue evermore!

    1. Thank you, Peter! These are the last from me for Middle Earth this year, but there is plenty of supply. :)

  6. more nice LOTR - well done Teemu

  7. Excellent Rohan warriors and even better that they are made up of leftovers, my kind of unit!
    Best Iain

  8. Great Riders, Teemu, it has been great seeing your LOtR stuff!

  9. Fabulous hero’s of Rohan. Great brushwork. Well done on this project.

    1. Thank you Bruce, it has been nice to work with these models and salvage them to use.
