Wednesday 17 January 2024

From DaveD - 2nd Btn 1st Chasseurs a Pied (102 points)

These lads may be a consistent theme over the next few weeks. I have a good production line running. This is unit 2 of 8. They are a commission for  my friend “mad person Gerry” to add to his 10mm Old Guard.

99 foot and 1 mounted - 10mm 

I am looking forward to seeing the whole division (8 battalions)  in place together over the next few months 

So another   102 to add to the little things , and Napoleon challenge … mwaah! 


So, you are painting like 800 figures in 10mm, and it is your friend Gerry who is "mad"? I am not sure of this...but you can't argue with how cool it all looks massed and based up. Very nicely done Dave, and we are all familiar with how prolific your painting assembly line becomes once it is well and truly activated. I expect another corps' worth of figures by this time next week...

I think you said these were Pendraken sculpts in the last post of this project, is that right?

102 points for you sir!



  1. Fabulous looking Guardsmen, Dave! They look excellent staged with the terrain. Well done!

    1. Cheers - yes had the chance to get a few pics I was happy with

  2. They look wonderful all lined up Dave. Looking forward to the whole Old Guard.

  3. Very nice, far too hard to kill

  4. they look so good all ranked up love the little evil laugh at the end. keep the coming Dave and see your master plan fulfilled

  5. Awesome looking battalion, the effect of massed 10mm units is really stunning.

  6. This is some crazy work, but looking good so far!

  7. So good en masse Dave and knowing your talent they'll also be superb when viewed close up

  8. Gerry is going to love these mate, only 6 more to go !
