Monday 22 January 2024

From PeterB - When Science meets romance and some WW2 Aussies - Romance - 145 Points


The lights flickered in the laboratory as the thunderstorm crashed outside. Lightning filled the room with brilliant white as Dr Frankenstein (it's pronounced Fronk-en-steen!) slammed the giant lever down connecting the array of equipment frankensteined together (yep its that kind of post) connecting the lightning rod on the roof to the slab in the centre of the room. On the slab a figure lay, covered in a sheet. Raw electricity pulsed through the corpse and for a brief moment the skeleton was visible as creature glowed with energy. (You know, like when Jerry tricks Tom into shoving his paws into an electric socket.) There was a pause in the storm and the lab was silent. Then, very slowly the creature began to stir. 

"She's Alive!" shouted Frankenstein with giddy abandon. "I've done it again, now I shall have my bride!"

My first entry is a new modern take on a classic. From the horror range, Bad Squiddo games have this great pair of models, gender swapping the classic literary scientist.

Also in this post I can show the results of my experiments of sepia over browns. Last week I was looking for some specific shades. This is because an old wargaming friend had challenged myself and a couple others to a tale of four gamers challenge. (Yes, I am simultaneously taking part in two challenges) Each month we have to paint a set value of models in 20mm scale to then eventually partake in a day's gaming of Rapid Fire WW2 rules. My chosen nation is Australia.

I hope I have done them justice. The models are from Britannia miniatures and my first months budget has enabled me to paint up HQ, an infantry company and a machine gun company. The machine gun company needs a couple of trucks as well, but these will have come out of next months budget.


Machine gun company

Infantry company

The Points:

2 x 28mm @ 5 points = 10 points

Location bonus = 20 points

25 x 20mm figures @ 4 points = 100 points

1 x 20mm vehicle @ 15 points = 15 points

Total = 145 points

 Sylvain: A very interesting take on the classic tale of Frankeinstein (BTW, was Albert a cousin of Frank?). And these Aussies look like they are just ready to jump into action. Bravo for the truck, this under appreciated companion of all men at war! Superb production this week.


  1. I am a big fan of Bad Squiddo so love seeing Annies' figures on the challenge. The diggers look great, and I like that you're including the transport.

    1. Thanks Peter. BS models are great aren't they? It's a good job I am finally painting up these from the previous KS as the next one is shipping this week!

  2. I have to Echo Peter regarding Anne's find work. You did a brilliant job on these. I also love seeing the logistic train painted and on the table.

    1. Thanks Adam. My Illustrious Opponent always includes the transport in his games so I have just followed his example. It really does help in Rapid Fire getting your troops across the table.

  3. Everyone painting a set amount of troops a month sounds like a great way to get into a new era or theater. Nice work all around.

    1. Thanks Tom. Next month I will probably do tanks. Knowing the budget restriction I probably won't have many tanks to paint!

  4. Great bride! And nice start of an army, too!

    1. Thanks Teemu. Now injust need to look at finding a place to store an army...

  5. Great story telling to start the post off awesome figures and yest you have done them justice really enjoyable post

    1. Thanks Galpy. I know there are a few Aussies in the challenge this year, so I tried really hard to get the uniform right.

  6. The diggers are very characterful, but I do like your mad science duo!

    1. Thanks Barks. I might have another mad scientist before the challenge is out too.

  7. As a kid it was all armour and frontline troops - only later have I appreciated that showing at some of the logistics gives 20th century warfare its special dynamics - so glad to see the troops and their truck

    1. As I said to Adam, I don't know any different in my WW2 gaming, I need the transport to get across the giant table!

  8. Wonderful work Peter. Ms. Fronk ensteen. Thumbs up. The truck is the bomb with your diggers. Well done.
